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Title: | 串流平台移動聆聽經驗:以大台北地區為例 Mobile Listening Experience in Streaming Platforms: A Case Study of Taipei Metro Area |
Authors: | 湯程 Tang, Cheng |
Contributors: | 王淑美 Wang, Su-Mei 湯程 Tang, Cheng |
Keywords: | 串流平台 移動聆聽 媒介物質性 馴化理論 都市空間 Streaming platforms Mobile listening Materiality of media Domestication theory Urban space |
Date: | 2025 |
Issue Date: | 2025-02-04 15:17:41 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 移動聆聽科技在液態現代性的脈絡下廣為流行,而現今作為主要聆聽媒介的移動裝置結合串流平台,開拓和改變了閱聽人的聆聽習慣和行為。本研究從自身經驗出發,觀察串流平台使用者的移動聆聽集體現象:以自我民族誌進行觀察與記錄,再以台灣年輕世代串流平台使用者為研究對象,透過深度訪談法輔以參與觀察,探究其在大台北地區的移動聆聽經驗與實踐細節,並總結出移動聆聽行為的意義與必要性。
總結而言,本研究對年輕世代串流平台移動聆聽實作的描寫,除了反映「分心聆聽」、「移動聆聽作為一種儀式」等當代串流平台消費面貌,亦揭示聆聽行為之於年輕族群的意義以及如何成為其生活慣例。 Mobile listening technology has become widely popular in the context of liquid modernity, and today, mobile devices combined with streaming platforms have become the main media for listening, opening up new possibilities and transforming the listening habits and behaviors of audiences. This study starts from personal experience to observe the collective phenomenon of mobile listening among streaming platform users. It uses autoethnography for observation and documentation, and focuses on young-generation streaming platform users in Taiwan. Through in-depth interviews and participant observation, this research explores their mobile listening experiences and practices in Taipei metro area, and concludes the significance and necessity of mobile listening behavior.
This study approaches the topic from the perspectives of the materiality of media and domestication theory, examining mobile listening behavior through streaming platforms. The research addresses three main aspects: First, what strategies and preparations do users adopt to deal with the material conditions required for mobile listening? Second, how do they interact with and negotiate the environmental characteristics and limitations while engaging in mobile listening, and how does mobile listening behavior alter their spatial experiences? Third, how do users select and arrange listening content based on the platform's features, integrating listening behavior into their daily life rhythms?
The study finds that through repeated practice, mobile listening behavior forms a standard process that integrates into everyday life, including preparation of the material network and actions taken to ensure smooth listening. The research also presents how streaming platform users negotiate their mobile listening practices with the spatial context they are in, and the role that listening plays in isolation, emotion regulation, and other aspects, highlighting the importance of this behavior. Regarding listening content during mobile time, its selection and arrangement are influenced by the characteristics of the streaming platform as well as users' listening preferences and considerations.
In conclusion, this study describes the mobile listening practices of the younger generation using streaming platforms. In addition to reflecting contemporary consumption trends such as "distracted listening" and "mobile listening as a ritual," it also reveals the significance of listening behavior for young people and how it has become part of their daily routines. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程 110464040 |
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