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    Title: 台灣復古 MV 之符號學研究
    A Semiotic Analysis of Taiwan Retro Music Videos
    Authors: 許家芸
    Xu, Jia-Yun
    Contributors: 孫秀蕙
    Xu, Jia-Yun
    Keywords: 音樂錄影帶
    Music Video
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2025-02-04 15:17:30 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,在台灣的音樂圈中,有越來越多的創作人,像是 9m88、李權哲、 冰球樂團等,不斷在復古、懷舊的主題上大做文章,刻意以具有年代感的音樂 節奏,或是泛黃光圈、粗糙顆粒感的視覺效果,加入自己的音樂影片中。仿 「舊」的模式,不僅不過時,反而成為一種「新」潮,「復古」的風格儼然成為 了一種新的流行趨勢。究竟這些創作者在復什麼「古」?而這些「古」有什麼 特別之處讓人為之著迷?。

    現代眾多影音平台的崛起,人們對於音樂的賞析不再僅限於聽覺,MV 也 成為音樂表達的重要一環。有鑑於現今 MV 作為音樂傳播媒介的重要性,研究 者選擇蔡依林的《腦公》以及 9m88《最高品質靜悄悄》兩支 MV 作為文本分 析的對象。並透過符號學的分析,檢視音樂的影音內容,釐清文本呈現了哪些 復古符號在其中運作,以及結合 MV 產製的社會脈絡,透過復古符號運作想傳 達的意涵,並從中觀察台灣流行音樂的發展趨勢。

    本研究發現,兩支 MV 對於復古符號不同的運作手法,呈現出不同音樂世 代間的差異性,在另一方面也注意到,復古不是單純對於「過去」簡單的再 現,其再現的目的反而是為了帶領觀眾進入一個全新創造的世界當中,同時透 過「過去」所帶來的熟悉與懷舊,反而讓人更快的與新世界產生共鳴。
    In recent years, it has seen an increasing number of creators in Taiwan, such as 9m88, Jerry Li, and icyball ect., extensively exploring retro and nostalgic themes. By deliberately incorporating music rhythms with a vintage feel or visual effects featuring sepia tones and coarse grain textures, these artists have integrated a sense of the past into their works. This imitation of "retro" styles has become a form of "new" trendiness. The "retro" style has emerged as a new cultural phenomenon. But what exactly are these creators reviving from the past? What is it about these elements of "the retro" that captivates audiences?

    With the rise of numerous audiovisual platforms, people's appreciation of music is no longer confined to auditory experiences; it often requires additional visual elements. Music videos (MVs) have become an essential component of musical expression. Recognizing the significance of MVs as a medium of communication for popular music today, this study examines the MVs of Jolin Tsai's Hubby and 9m88's Airplane Mode as the objects of textual analysis. Adopting the principles of semiotics , the research investigates the audiovisual content of these works, clarifies the retro symbols employed, and explores their functioning within the social context of MV production. It seeks to uncover the meanings these retro symbols aim to convey and observes the developmental trends in Taiwan's popular music.

    The study finds that the two MVs employ retro symbols in distinct ways, highlighting differences between musical generations. It also notes that retro is not simply a straightforward reproduction of the "past." Instead, the purpose of this representation is to lead viewers into a newly created world. Simultaneously, the familiarity and nostalgia evoked by the "past" enable audiences to resonate more quickly with this new world.
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