摘要: | 本計畫將透過系譜式閱讀,分析殖民時期台灣與朝鮮生產之文學作品與大眾論述,探究「現代愛」的歷史建構與殖民遺緒,同時提出以台韓互為參照為比較方法,以彰顯、挑戰東亞地緣政治問題。二十世紀初期東亞各地出現了大量的戀愛論述,將現代愛的各種概念創造、翻譯、轉化進入在地文化實踐中,並據此建構現代個人主體。美國人類學家伊麗莎白.普維內利(2006)曾以「帝國之愛」命名殖民情境中的規範性力量;殖民者與被殖民者之間的關係,乃是透過愛的論述,重新調整這些場域、模糊地域和關係的界線。本計畫亦認為「現代愛」的歷史生成與「知識生產」、「地緣政治」的權力系統密切相關,即:地緣政治主導了當代東亞各區域間的相互關係,並阻礙了台韓間的參照想像;現代愛則在各個社會內部展現相似的主導性,並阻隔不同性主體間的結盟。易言之,本計畫認為台韓之間參照系統的建立,與社會內部不同性主體間的結盟,皆在回應並擾亂既有的殖民歷史參照系統 。從這樣的觀察與提問出發,本計畫將著重分析台朝兩地「現代愛」的翻譯與制度化,及其中展現的權力與排除機制如何同時生產了各種性主體,具體包括: 「愛的戀物化」、 「不可及的愛」、 「殉情」與「同情」、及「同性愛」等主題。 This project seeks to revisit and problematize the modern construction of “love,” and its colonial legacy in the form of “love unconscious” in colonial contemporary Taiwan and Korea. The discourses on love were explosively produced in the early 20th Century East Asia; conceptions of modern love were created, transformed, and translated into local cultural practices in an effort to modernize the individuals. The writings and columns encompassed free love, marriage, and sexual issues by local intellectuals demonstrate the specificity of interior modernization and addresses complex issues of colonial modernity. However, the modern love is represented as what Elizabeth Povinelli (2006) terms “the intimate event” as a powerful regulative ideal, functions in the colonial situation by tracing how the conceptions of love are produced in the intersection of individual freedom and social bondage. Through the investigation of social and literary discourses on romantic love in colonial Taiwan and Korea, I discover a modern formation of love, which structures an emancipation-oppression mechanism, within which, people constantly pivoted on “exceptions” to approach their political testimony to love and a normative social relationship. This mechanism was fully embraced by colonial Taiwan and Korea, and brought about continuity in postwar Taiwan and South Korea, that, love is celebrated and worshiped without the recognition of its underlying ideology of discrimination and exclusion. To be more specific, I will demonstrate the following four kinds of (un)love/exceptions to facilitate my argument: the first is the “fetishization of love,” which commodified the popular fiction and intersected with the (anti-)modern consumption culture; the second is the “unreachable intimacies,” which was embodied in the sociality of prostitutes as the “hinge-point-of-narrative” in the process of modernizing love; the third is the phenomenon of “love suicide,” which represented the testimony of the inequality of love; and the last is the radicality of “same-sex love,” which highlighted the foldings and unfoldings of the “colonial time,” and disrupts the temporality of the empire state. Finally, I will look into the modern love discourses in colonial time, and the rhetoric of love in contemporary social movements, to unpack the tangled geographies of love/sexuality, nationalism and colonialism, and to approach the decolonization of knowledge production of love/sexuality. As this project argues, political ideology and sexual politics must be analyzed in an intersectional manner in Taiwan and Korea for a better understanding of colonial legacies and modern sexualities in East Asia. |