Abstract: | 敘事中的空間意象與功能將是一個三年計畫。 分別從台灣小說中的點、線、 面發想, 探討敘事中常見的空間意象及其功能。點 (spot or landmark),是小面積 的單一建築和單一功能建築體, 如家庭、 學校、 工作和娛樂場所等, 偏向個 人的日常活動領域。面(field or region)則是較大範圍的空間, 如社區、 鄰里、 區 域、 城市和鄉村、自然地理空間等, 偏向集體的公共活動領域。線(path or route), 既是不同空間距離的往返, 也是時間歷程中的流動。 來去中(in between)同時包含 著某些暫時性停留的橋樑(bridge)、 中介區(contact zone) 和異質空間 (heterotopia),具有聯結、 衝突、 憩止、 抉擇性質的中途性空間。這些小面 積和大範圍以至於穿梭流動其間的路徑,在角色個性或心理的形塑行為動機或結 果、 故事情節的鋪陳或推展, 以及主旨意義的揭示中發揮甚麼樣的效用?哪些 類型的空間有哪些象徵意義? 那種型態或者主題的故事偏好哪些空間、 空間與 空間的組合以及流動往來? It will be a three-year project to discuss the spatial images and functions in narrative. It aims to explore Taiwanese fiction from the spot (or landmark), path (or route), and field (or region). Spot (or landmark), indicating an architecture and single-function buildings, such as home, school, places of working and entertainment and so on, tends to be a smaller-dimensional space of personal daily live. Field (or region), larger-scale space like neighborhood, town, region, city, country and natural geography, refers to the area of public relations activities. Path (or route), means not only moving to and fro between different distances, but also passing of history timeline. In between including some halfway spaces which are halted temporarily, in the meanwhile, to connect, conflict and choose, such as bridge, contact zone, and heterotopia. How the smaller, larger-scale spaces and the path, influence the character’s personality, psychology, motivation and the effect, the arranging and displaying of the plot, as well as the revealing of the theme? How different types of spaces signify their symbolic meanings? How various genres or subjects of stories demonstrate different space, spatial combination, and moving in between? |