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    Title: 平台競爭與覆蓋策略之能力探究
    A Case Study of the Capabilities of Platform Competitive Dynamics and Envelopment Strategies
    Authors: 李瓊淑
    Lee, Chiung-Shu
    Contributors: 邱奕嘉
    Chiu, Yi-Chia
    Lee, Chiung-Shu
    Keywords: 平台覆蓋策略
    Platform envelopment strategy
    Dynamic competition
    Dynamic capabilities
    Resource-based view (RBV)
    Resource dependence theory (RDT)
    Resource advantages
    Organizational capabilities
    Network relationships
    Localization advantages
    Taiwan Taxi
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2025-01-02 12:10:26 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 計程車在全球都會交通運輸系統中具有關鍵角色,做為「副大眾運輸」載具,在連接各種不同交通運具中發揮著重要的功能。隨著全球節能減碳的倡議,以及數位科技的不斷進步,計程車產業正逐漸從傳統的商業模式轉型為科技驅動的智慧交通服務產業。此外,平台策略和動態競爭的理論框架已逐漸成為企業在轉型過程中因應挑戰、鞏固市場地位的重要工具。
    Taxis play a crucial role in urban transportation systems worldwide. As a "secondary public transport" mode, they serve an essential function in connecting various forms of
    transportation. With global initiatives on energy conservation and carbon reduction, coupled with advancements in digital technology, the taxi industry is gradually transitioning from traditional operating models to technology-driven smart transportation services. Platform strategies and dynamic competition frameworks have increasingly become vital tools for companies to address challenges and solidify their market positions during this transformation.
    This study focuses on Taiwan Taxi as a case study to explore how it leverages platform coverage strategies to build a diversified ecosystem and maintain its competitive advantage in a dynamic competitive environment. Since its establishment in 2002, Taiwan Taxi pioneered the first taxi dispatch platform in Taiwan and progressively developed its business model, integrating operations horizontally, vertically, and diversely. Through continuous innovation and business expansion, Taiwan Taxi has not only solidified its market leadership in Taiwan but also promoted the overall development of the Taiwanese taxi industry. This process demonstrates how Taiwan Taxi employs platform coverage strategies to optimize resource utilization and achieve deep market penetration, successfully maximizing its profits.
    However, with the entry of Uber, the world's largest ride-hailing platform, into the Taiwan market in 2013, Taiwan Taxi faced intense external competitive pressure. Uber quickly captured market share through its global experience and innovative technology, posing a significant threat to Taiwan Taxi. Against this backdrop, this study examines how Taiwan Taxi utilized its resource advantages, organizational capabilities, network relationships, and localization strengths to successfully respond to Uber's challenge through organizational learning, adaptation, and innovation strategies, ultimately emerging as a leader in the competition.
    On a theoretical level, this study provides a multi-dimensional exploration of platform economics, dynamic competition, dynamic capabilities, resource-based theory, and resource dependence theory. First, the study extends the application of platform coverage strategies, illustrating how platform companies can leverage resource advantages, organizational capabilities, and network relationships to implement platform coverage strategies across various market environments. It highlights the importance of considering product-market complementarity and potential regulatory impacts when entering new markets. Second, the study emphasizes the practical significance of dynamic competition theory, demonstrating how companies can learn from competitors' strengths and innovations, rapidly optimize existing resources, and create new competitive advantages. It shows how localization advantages can be the key to success, particularly when facing challenges from international competitors.
    Practically, this study provides detailed recommendations for companies on how to expand their business scope through platform coverage strategies in dynamic competitive environments, highlighting the critical role of network relationships in enhancing operational performance and influencing policy-making. Through the empirical case of Taiwan Taxi, the study offers a concrete reference framework for companies when making strategic choices within the platform economy. These findings not only enrich academic discussions on dynamic competition and platform strategies but also provide valuable strategic guidance for industry practices, offering robust theoretical support and practical advice for companies on how to sustain growth in highly dynamic and competitive markets.
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