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    Title: AI虛擬導覽員互動對於歷史學習的影響研究 - 以臺灣與香港的二戰記憶數位策展為例
    The Effects of Learners’ Interaction with Artificial Intelligence Virtual Tour Guides on History Learning - A Case Study of Metaverse Digital Curation on Taiwanese Civilians’ War Memory in Hong Kong during the Second World War
    Authors: 邱妍瑛
    Chiu, Yan-Ying
    Contributors: 陳志銘

    Chen, Chih-Ming
    Lan, Shi-Chi

    Chiu, Yan-Ying
    Keywords: AI虛擬導覽員
    AI Virtual Tour Guide
    Retrieval-Augmented Generation
    Metaverse Digital Curation
    History Learning
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2025-01-02 11:47:03 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,隨著數位互動技術發展的日益成熟,可呈現出更多元模態的內容展示,促使實體策展逐漸轉變為數位策展,其策展形式因此變得更加靈活且多元。傳統展覽中依賴真人導覽員進行現場解說,導覽模式也隨著數位科技與人工智慧的發展而有了不同的選擇,AI虛擬導覽員取代真人導覽員已成為新的發展方向。AI虛擬導覽員不僅能提供全天候的服務,還能依據使用者需求即時調整問答內容,從而增強與觀展者的人機互動與個性化體驗,這也顯示出AI虛擬導覽員在現代策展中極具應用潛力。此外,檢索增強生成技術的出現,使AI虛擬導覽員的功能和表現得到了有效的提升。透過外部資料來源與大型語言模型的結合,使得AI虛擬導覽員能夠有效的回應相關的專業知識問題,打破了過去僅限於傳遞基礎資訊的侷限。除了具備檢索和分析大型資料集的能力之外,更能即時生成、提供精確且深入的解答。在增強互動性的同時,也提升了觀展的知識獲取效率與觀展體驗。相較於過去依賴人工預設的簡單對話框架,基於檢索增強生成技術發展的AI虛擬導覽員可以展現出更高的對話準確度與靈活性,能夠根據不同觀展者的提問來進行適性的回應內容調整,提供更具針對性和即時性的回應。因此,本研究透過Langchain發展以檢索增強生成技術為基礎之「AI虛擬導覽員」,讓策展者能夠自行提供「AI虛擬導覽員」應答時的知識於資料庫中,讓「AI虛擬導覽員」在回應觀展者所提出問題時,能夠依據策展者所提供的專業知識內容給予適切的回應。



    In recent years, with the rapid maturation of digital interactive technologies, exhibitions have begun to feature more diverse modes of content presentation, leading to a shift from physical to digital curation. This transformation has made curatorial formats more flexible and varied. Traditionally, human guides were relied upon for on-site explanations. However, with the advancement of digital technology and artificial intelligence (AI), new modes of guidance have emerged. AI virtual guides, increasingly replacing human guides, offer round-the-clock service and can adjust their responses in real-time based on user needs, enhancing human-computer interaction and personalizing the visitor experience. This highlights the significant potential of AI virtual guides in modern digital curation.

    Additionally, the advent of retrieval-augmented generation technology has enhanced the functionality and performance of AI virtual guides. By integrating external data sources with large language models, AI virtual guides can respond to professional knowledge-based questions more effectively, overcoming the limitations of merely providing basic information. Beyond retrieving and analyzing large datasets, they can also generate accurate and in-depth responses in real-time. This improves both interactivity and the efficiency of knowledge acquisition, enhancing the visitor experience. Compared to the simple pre-programmed dialogue frameworks of the past, AI virtual guides built on retrieval-augmented generation technology demonstrate greater conversational accuracy and flexibility. They can adjust responses according to different visitors’ inquiries, providing more targeted and timely information.

    Therefore, this study developed AI virtual tour guides based on retrieval-augmented generation technology using Langchain. This enables curators to independently add their expert knowledge to the database, ensuring that the AI virtual tour guides can offer precise responses tailored to the expertise provided. The AI virtual tour guides were applied in this study to assist in history learning. Specifically, the study explored the impact of the AI virtual tour guides on learners’ experience during the metaverse digital curation. A quasi-experimental research design was used, with 40 students from history-related departments who were fluent in Traditional Chinese and had studied modern history. Twenty students were randomly assigned to the experimental group, where they used the AI virtual tour guides to engage with the digital curation, while the remaining 20 students, assigned to the control group, used accompanying text for the same digital curation. The study investigated whether there were significant differences between these two learning modes in terms of learning performance, learning motivation, technology acceptance, and cognitive load.

    Moreover, the study further analyzed whether learners with different levels of prior knowledge and cognitive styles exhibited significant differences in these areas when engaging with either learning mode. The research also delved into the experimental group’s perceptions of the AI virtual tour guides’ usability, exploring whether usability perceptions varied among learners with different levels of prior knowledge and cognitive styles. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to better understand the learning experiences of participants using both learning modes. Additionally, interaction analysis was performed to explore how learners interacted with the AI virtual tour guides.

    The results showed that both the AI virtual tour guides and the accompanying text facilitated effective learning performance, particularly in terms of comprehension, for the metaverse digital curation on Taiwanese Civilians’ War Memory in Hong Kong during the Second World War. For learners with different levels of prior knowledge, the AI virtual tour guides improved comprehension outcomes for both high- and low-prior-knowledge learners, as well as the overall learning performance of low-prior-knowledge learners. However, for high-prior-knowledge learners, critical thinking outcomes decreased. Based on statistical analyses and interactive dialogue content, the study suggests that their learning performance may have exceeded what could be captured by traditional scoring, reflecting the development of higher-order thinking skills. In terms of learning motivation, compared to low-prior-knowledge learners, high-prior-knowledge learners perceived greater value in the positive aspects of intrinsic motivation when using the AI virtual tour guides. For learners with different cognitive styles, only those using AI virtual tour guides for the metaverse digital curation on Taiwanese Civilians’ War Memory in Hong Kong during the Second World War showed improved overall learning performance, particularly among text-oriented learners. Interview feedback revealed that some learners felt the AI virtual tour guides reduced their cognitive load and clarified the learning context during the digital curation. Learners also reported that the AI virtual tour guides offered multiple perspectives, which led them to reassess their viewpoints. Furthermore, the virtual tour guides lowered the barrier to asking questions and enhanced the immersive nature of the digital curation experience.

    Based on these findings, the study offers recommendations for improving the use of AI virtual tour guides in metaverse digital curation. Future research should focus on applying AI virtual tour guides in various digital curation contexts to examine their effects on learning performance and the influence of different interaction methods on digital curation engagement.

    In summary, as artificial intelligence technology continues to develop rapidly, AI virtual tour guides hold significant potential in digital curation and are likely to become indispensable tools in modern digital curation. This study’s findings suggest that using the AI virtual tour guides for the metaverse digital curation on on Taiwanese Civilians’ War Memory in Hong Kong during the Second World War effectively enhances learners' performance and contributes to the application of digital curation in history education.
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