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    Title: 以規範為觀點檢視美國與台灣之民主品質
    Evaluating Democratic Quality in the United States and Taiwan : A Normative Perspective
    Authors: 李其恩
    Lee, Chi En
    Contributors: 林永芳
    Lin, Yung-Fang
    Lee, Chi En
    Keywords: 民主規範
    Democratic norms
    Democratic backsliding
    Party politics
    Institutional design
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2025-01-02 11:45:21 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近十年來,現代民主國家面臨諸多國內外之挑戰,對於民主體制的發展進程也因此有更高的關注,國際上這些挑戰有時是民粹式魅力領導以改革為由削弱公民權益,有些則是政黨政治菁英間的極端化導致激烈競爭過程中犧牲了民主體制與規範。在這個民主受挑戰的大背景下,台灣身為一個年輕的民主國家,依然穩健地發展其民主,根據V-dem 與自由之家等民主指標的評比,台灣保持著相當優秀的成績;同時,美國身為一個有著百年歷史的民主國家卻經歷了相當的民主品質倒退。這兩個國家間有甚多的差異,但兩者在政治菁英層面皆為兩黨制,而國內兩大黨的互動勢必定義民主體制運行之內涵。在本論文中,作者會通過比較兩國近期的立法過程,探討臺灣和美國的民主品質。使用新穎的民主理論作為基礎,論文聚焦於民主政治中的不成文「規範」,試圖在民主品質顯著下降之前,點出可能存在對於民主體制系統的潛在危機與困境。論文總分為五章,第一章提出研究背景和文獻綜述;第二章闡述核心理論框架、研究問題和假設,以及研究方法論和設計;第三、第四章依循理論發展出的框架操作,有結構地去研究美國與台灣兩個案例;最後第五章將比較兩個案例並企圖回答提出的研究問題。
    Modern democracies have been wrestling with challenges both domestically and internationally. In the past decade, concerns for the progression and development of democratic systems have become increasingly prominent. For some, this took the form of charismatic populist leaders rolling back on civil rights in pursuit of sweeping political changes. For others, the polarization of the political elites eroded democratic institutions in the process of partisan warfare. During this era of democratic anxiety, Taiwan’s young democracy remained steadfast in its democratic development, maintaining a high level of democratic quality according to indexes such as V-dem scores and the Freedom House scores. All the while, the United States, an established democracy with a long history, is experiencing its share of democratic decline. Despite their differences, the two countries’ politics operate under a two-party system where the dynamic between two parties defines many aspects of democratic institutions. In this thesis, the author explores the democratic quality of Taiwan and the U.S. by comparing the two legislative processes around similar periods. Employing a relatively novel theory of democracy, the thesis focuses on the subtle “norms” of democracy in its analysis in order to detail potential pitfalls of democratic politics before any more significant signs of drops in democratic quality present themselves. The thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter presents the research background and literature review. The second elaborates on the core theoretical framework, key research questions and hypothesis, as well as research methodology and design. The third and fourth chapters then follow the guiding theory and explore the two cases in a structured qualitative approach. Finally, the last chapter will compare the two cases and answer the proposed research question.
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    增 [DPP pushes for One fixed day off and One flexible rest day, slashing seven national
    holiday; Union research indicates work hours would increase not decrease.]” Coolloud,
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    Xu, Xiao-Han. 2016. “修法落實週休二日 來龍去脈一次看懂 [Amendments to implement the
    weekly two days off rule; understanding the legislative process.]” Central News Agency,
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    Xu, Xiao-Han. 2017. “一例一休修法爭議 時間軸一次看懂 [‘One fixed day off and One
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    Yan, Si Qi. 2014. “台微調歷史課綱 引發「去台灣化」質疑 [Taiwan’s micro-adjustment on
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    Yang, Chun-Hui. 2016a. “時代力量提修法 新增國會辯論制度 [New Power Party proposes a
    legislative amendment. Adding a debate system to the parliament.]” Liberty Times, October 11. Accessed December 8, 2022: https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/politics
    Yang, Chun-Hui. 2016b. “促進轉型正義條例 立院初審通過 [APTJ passed LY initial
    deliberation].” Liberty Times, June 22. Accessed August 25, 2024: https://news.ltn
    Yang, Chun-Hui. 2017a. “促轉條例朝野無共識 月底前再協商 [No consensus on APTJ’s party
    negotiation; to be further discussed before the end of the month].” Liberty Times, April
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    Yang, Chun-Hui. 2017b. “藍委潑水、推擠…前瞻條例初審通過 [Blue camp Legislators slash
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    Yang, Zheng-Yu. 2018. “促轉會完整提名名單:「魏揚的母親」楊翠入列,為何有人因黃煌
    雄婉拒出任? [TJC full nomination list: “Mother of Dennis Wei” Yang Tsui included;
    why did someone turn down the offer due to Huang Huang-Hsiung’s nomination?]” The
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    Yu, Xiang, Fan, Zheng-Xiang, Guo, Jian-Shen, and Wang, Yang-Yu. 2020. “NCC正副主委 立法
    院同意陳耀祥翁柏宗出任 [NCC President and Vice President commissioners;
    Legislative Yuan confirmed Chen Yaw-Shyang and Wong Po-Tsung].” Central News Agency, July 10. Accessed April 22, 2024: https://www.cna.com.tw/news/firstnews
    Zeng, Wei-Zhen. 2015. “立院同意 4大法官過關 林俊益最低票 [Legislative Yuan Confirmed
    four Grand Justices, Judge Lin, Jun-Yi received the lowest vote].” Liberty Times, June 13.
    Accessed March 28, 2024: https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/politics/paper/888971
    Zeng, Wei-Zhen. 2018. “原則不變增4彈性 勞基法修正案三讀通過 [Principally unchanged but
    with 4 types of flexibilities added; Labor Standards Act amendments passed third
    reading].” Liberty Times, January 10. Accessed August 23, 2024: https://news.ltn.com.tw
    Zeng, Wei-Zhen and Huang, Pei-Jun. 2016. “立院表決通過 撤銷黑箱課綱、停審中嘉案 [LY
    vote passed; recall black-box curriculum and stop deliberation on the Homeplus Digital
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    Zeng, Wei-Zhen and Shi, Xiao-Guang. 2008. “綠拒投,藍護航/五被提名大法官全過關
    [Green camp refused to vote and Blue camp escorted safely; Five nominees for Grand
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    Zernike, Kate and Yamiche Alcindor. 2017. “Betsy DeVos’s Education Hearing Erupts Into
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    Zhang, Jhih-Qian and Lin Jing-Min. 2016. “《不當黨產條例》拚三讀 民進黨立委集體吃
    「龜苓膏」[The Ill-gotten Properties Act up for third reading].” SET News, July 25.
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    Zhang, Zhi-Xiong and Zhang Zi-Jia. 2021. “中選會人事同意權通過 國民黨團稱不願背書、
    未進場投票 [CEC nomination confirmation vote passed; KMT claimed would no
    endorse nor vote on the matter].” Taiwan Public Television Service Foundation, October
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    Zhang, Zhi-Xiong and Chen, Bo-Yu. 2022. “NCC委員人事同意權案 國民黨、民眾黨拒投票
    [NCC Commissioner nominations; KMT and TPP refused to vote].” Taiwan Public
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    Zhang, Zhi-Qi. 2016. “綠黨團硬幹 砍假案送朝野協商 工人懸命 誓言擋下二讀 [Green
    camp forced legislation, off-time slashing amendments sent to party-negotiation.
    Workers’ lives on the line, vowing to stop second reading].” Coolloud, October 05.
    Accessed August 23, 2024: https://www.coolloud.org.tw/node/86548
    Zhang, Zhi-Qi. 2017. “審勞基法 綠委拖走異議立委 會議延長到午夜 拚今出委員會
    [Deliberation of the Labor Standards Act bill; Green camp legislator dragged away
    dissenting opposition; Meeting lasted into mid-night; Pushing to pass committee
    deliberation today].” Coolloud, December 04. Accessed August 23, 2024: https://
    Zheng, Hong-Da. 2016a. “公平會新任委員人事案 藍委質疑政治酬庸 [FTC new nomination
    confirmation; Blue-camp MP raised questions of political pork barrel].” Liberty Times,
    December 07. Accessed April 5, 2024: https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/politics/breaking
    Zheng, Hong-Da. 2017. “藍委罷投⋯⋯中選會人事同意權案全數過關 [Blue-camp MP refused
    to vote… CEC nomination confirmation all passed the vote].” Liberty Times, November
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    Zheng, Hong-Da. 2018. “立院壓倒性票數通過 江惠民出任檢察總長 [Legislative Yuan passes
    landslide confirmation vote; Jiang, Hui-Min appointed as Prosecutor General].” Liberty
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    Zheng, Ya-Hui. 2016. “民進黨修法不只砍七天假工時「彈性最大化」才是真強盜![DPP
    amendments not only slash seven day work hours, “maximizing flexibility” is the real
    robber].” Coolloud, June 08. Accessed August 23, 2024: https://www.coolloud.
    Zhou, Yi-Zi. 2017. “藍委退出主席台「前瞻過關」 支持者打爆電話抗議 [Blue camp
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