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    政大機構典藏 > 法學院 > 法律學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/154981
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    Title: 零工經濟浪潮下平台勞動者保障之研究
    A Study on the Protection of Platform Workers under the Wave of the Gig Economy
    Authors: 辛昀浩
    Hsin, Yun-Hao
    Contributors: 許政賢

    Hsin, Yun-Hao
    Keywords: 零工經濟
    Gig Economy
    Platform Workers
    Intermediate Category of Workers
    Economic Dependence
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2025-01-02 11:40:49 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來零工經濟在全球蔚為風潮,根據勞動部出版之研究報告顯示,我國已有相當高比例之外送員多依賴平台之收入維生。零工經濟於國內發展初期,外送員之勞動身分與勞動權益未獲重視,直至職業災害、平台業者不斷片面調整報酬計算方式,以及外送員遭平台業者停權等爭議肆起,外送員之勞動權益保障問題逐漸受到各界關注。


    In recent years, the gig economy has flourished around the world. According to a research report published by the Ministry of Labor, a high proportion of delivery workers in Taiwan rely heavily on income from the platforms to survive.

    In the early days of the development of the gig economy in Taiwan, people have yet to take the employment status and labor rights of delivery workers seriously. However, the issue regarding protection for delivery workers' labor rights has captured attention from all walks of life since disputes such as occupational disasters, platform operators' continuous and unilateral adjustments to compensation calculation methods, and delivery workers' suspension by platform operators arose.

    Under the principle of freedom of contract, the platform operator and the delivery worker can choose the type of contract, and both parties can freely agree on the contractual relationship. However, subordination or dependence cannot be excluded entirely if a lenient standard is applied to examine the contractual relationship between the delivery workers and the platform operator. Even though delivery workers may not necessarily be recognized as employees, it is undeniable that their occupational risks are very high, and their characteristics are different from those of generally recognized contract workers. Since the scope of labor law in Taiwan is quite limited, the labor rights of delivery workers cannot be appropriately protected. If the abovementioned issue is not taken seriously, it may become a social problem.

    This thesis adopts a comparative approach. After exploring the initiatives of international organizations, it further combs through the development, characteristics and implementation experience of the legal system in Germany, Italy, Spain and the United States. It is hoped that we can learn from the legal systems of other countries to construct a system that can adequately protect these platform workers.
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