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    Title: 泰北華人之文化認同及華語學習動機探討
    The Investigation of Cultural Identity and Motivations for Learning Mandarin of Thai-Chinese from Northern Thailand
    Authors: 王亭雅
    Wang, Ting-Ya
    Contributors: 黃雅英
    Huang, Ya-Ying
    Wang, Ting-Ya
    Keywords: 泰北華人
    Thai-Chinese from Northern Thailand
    cultural identity
    learning motivation
    Model of investment
    overseas compatriot education
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2025-01-02 11:36:53 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 泰北地區的族群背景組成多元,「泰北華人」不僅指中華民國的孤軍後裔,也包括其他華人移民。當地華人族群以雲南人為主,另有緬甸人、傣族人和苗族人等。部分人因家庭背景,一出生即擁有泰國身份,部分則以臨時居留或非法居留的方式生活,其身份認同各異,如有人認為自己是華裔,有人則否認。
    The ethnic composition of Northern Thailand is diverse, The term " Thai-Chinese from Northern Thailand" refers not only to the descendants of the Republic of China's Nationalist army but also to other Chinese immigrants. The local Chinese population is predominantly of Yunnanese, with additional ethnic groups such as Burmese, Tai, and Hmong. Some individuals are born with Thai citizenship due to their family background, while others reside as temporary or undocumented immigrants. Their sense of identity varies, with some identifying as Chinese descendants and others not.
    This study explores the cultural identity and Chinese language learning motivations of the Chinese population in Northern Thailand. It begins by reviewing literature to understand the historical background of the region, employs surveys to assess local living conditions, and conducts in-depth interviews to present participants' personal growth experiences and Chinese learning journeys. Finally, the study applies Norton's theory of investment in language learning motivation for analysis. The original hypothesis assumed that cultural identity enhances Chinese language learning motivation. However, the findings reveal that cultural identity is only one of the motivations. Even without this factor, learners pursue other motivations to learn Chinese. The implicit influence of Systemic Patterns of Control leads learners to perceive Chinese language learning as a key to transforming their lives.
    This study recommends addressing learners' psychological barriers by altering traditional teaching methods to reduce resistance to learning difficulties. Additionally, it suggests improving teacher quality through overseas compatriot education policies and increasing opportunities for learners to study in Taiwan. These measures aim to enhance the appeal of learning Chinese and obtaining Chinese school qualifications, thereby facilitating future integration into the Thai and Taiwanese business community.
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