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Title: | 超低生育率下臺灣女性非婚生育的經驗啟示 Implications from the experiences of Taiwanese women giving birth outside marriage while Taiwan faces ultra-low fertility rate |
Authors: | 洪慈庸 Hung, Tzu-Yung |
Contributors: | 鄭力軒 Cheng, Li-Hsuan 洪慈庸 Hung, Tzu-Yung |
Keywords: | 人口 女性 婚育 非婚生育 婚育脫鉤 population women marriage and childbearing non-marital childbearing decoupling of marriage and childbearing |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2025-01-02 11:35:04 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 晚近研究顯示臺灣生育率屢創新低主因為臺灣女性未婚率持續上升,婚育包裹的傳統規範使生育率問題愈加嚴重。根據OECD家庭數據資料庫(The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development,2024),2020年非婚生子女比例高於50%的國家,其總生育率普遍高於1.5人,雖然已開發國家都面臨生育率低於人口替代水準問題,但在女性生育自主性越高的國家,其總生育率尚能維持在適度生育率或低生育率。本文主張結婚生育、非婚生育都是促進生育的方案,並非單一路徑;但無法否認臺灣社會當下仍將婚姻視為生育的前提、人口政策也全然建立於家庭政策之上。有鑑於過往非婚生育研究相當有限,本研究針對17位非婚生育女性進行質性深度訪談,透過她們的人生歷程與反饋,探討女性選擇非婚生育的原因及決策模式,並描繪其非婚生育行為所帶來的社會後果。最後,綜整非婚生育女性之政策需求與建議,共同思考如何建構更友善多元的生養環境。 本研究顯示多數女性沒有排斥婚姻也不屈就婚姻,關係和生育可以自然成為兩件事;臺灣婚育包裹的觀念應與時俱進,臺灣社會從未開啟婚姻關係與育兒間不必然的正式討論,沒有令人期待的婚姻關係還是可以生養孩子,人生的體驗不會因為沒有合適的對象而被阻卻;要達成2030年回穩1.4人的生育率目標,我們必須軟硬兼施地在性別平等和國家政策支持上雙軌並進,建置一個友善所有選擇的生養環境,最後,筆者認為女性絕對擁有關係和生育間的選擇權利,任何選擇也應得到充分的尊重、同理與支持。 The fertility rate in Taiwan has hit record lows, and recent studies show that it is mainly because the unmarried rate of Taiwanese women continues to climb, and the traditional norms of marriage and childbearing have also made the problem of fertility rate more serious. To promote fertility rate, this paper suggests that there should not be only one path to achieve the goal, and both marital and non-marital childbearing can be seen as approaches. In view of the limited research on non-marital childbearing from the past, this study conducted qualitative in-depth interviews with 17 women who had non-marital childbirth. With their life stories and experiences, this paper explores the reasons for women to decide on non-marital childbearing, depicts the social consequences of such decision-making, and further puts forward the suggestions and policies conducive to women who give birth outside of marriage. This study shows that most of the women interviewed neither reject nor yield to marriage. For them, relationship and childbearing are naturally seen as two different things, and the traditional norm of marriage and childbearing should keep pace with the times. Yet, in Taiwan, there has never been any formal discussions on seeing marriage and childbearing as two separate things. That is, women can still have children even if they do not have a promising marriage, and not having a suitable partner should not be a hurdle for a woman to have a child. To that end, the government must take measures to improve both gender equality and government policy, building an environment that is friendly to all choices on childbearing. The author, after all, believes that women absolutely own the right to decide the relation between marriage and childbearing, and all choices should be fully supported with respect and empathy. |
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