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    Title: 台灣民眾使用振興五倍券之消費歷程探討
    Analysis of consumer behavior profiting from Quintuple Stimulus Vouchers: Empirical research on mental accounting process among Taiwanese
    Authors: 黃靖茹
    Huang, Ching-Jung
    Contributors: 陳立民
    Chen, Li-Ming
    Huang, Ching-Jung
    Keywords: 振興五倍券
    Quintuple Stimulus Vouchers
    Mental accounting
    Impulsive shopping
    Price sensitivity
    Non-substitution effect
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-12-02 11:30:25 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台灣為因應新冠疫情於2020年2月25日公布《嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎防治及紓困振興特別條例》並於同年10月發放三倍券用以振興產業及促進消費。2021年5月疫情升溫,行政院隨即再提出由政府全額支付5,000元的振興五倍券。
    本研究共回收 1,101份網路問卷,並使用探索性資料分析和變異數分析進行資料分析。研究結果發現,五倍券總計替代率為77.50%,最高為學校補習班學費的100%,其次為家庭必需品的95.14%和食品飲料的90.34%,提升率最高為服飾配件的64.08%,其次為61.69%的電子3C,總計提升率為49.92%。
    With the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic looming over the entire world, on February 25th, 2020, the Taiwanese government announced the "Special Act for Prevention, Relief and Revitalization Measures for Severe Pneumonia with Novel Pathogens". Seeking to revitalize industries and stimulate consumption, the Triple Stimulus Vouchers were later issued in October of the same year. Responding to the significant rise in the number of positive Covid cases, the Taiwanese government proposed the Quintuple Stimulus Vouchers in May of 2021, allowing citizens and permanent residents to consume up to NTD5,000.
    The following research compares the differences between the use of Quintuple Stimulus Vouchers or cash by conducting an online survey to explore which factors influence consumer behavior, impulsive shopping and price sensitivity. Additionally, evaluating the citizens satisfaction of the Quintuple Stimulus Vouchers public service policy and performance and determine how to improve public service quality in the future.
    A total of 1,101 valid questionnaires were collected and the responses analyzed. The validity of the samples was evaluated mainly by exploratory data analysis (EDA) and analysis of variance (ANOVA). This research discovered that the total replacement ratio of Quintuple Stimulus Vouchers was 77.50%. Broken down, the highest expenditure was education, equaling 100% of school and cram school tuition, followed by 95.14% for bare necessities of life and 90.34% for food and beverages. The total growth rate of 49.92%, with metrics of 64.08% for clothing and accessories, followed by 61.69% for 3C products (computer, communication, and consumer electronics).
    These results highlight that when Taiwanese residents use the Quintuple Stimulus Vouchers to shop, their impulsive shopping score and non-substitution effect score are higher than that of using cash. In contrast, the price sensitivity score is much lower if these same products were purchased with cash. In terms of impulsive shopping, consumers refusing to answer or with an annual income of less than NTD$300,000 are found to be more impulsive than consumers with an annual income more than NTD$1,000,000 when using the Quintuple Stimulus Vouchers. Also, professionals with jobs affected by Covid are more impulsive shoppers compared to others with jobs that are not impacted when using cash. Price sensitivity is not impacted by the choice of using the Quintuple Stimulus Vouchers or cash, but rather annual income is the most affecting factor. In respect to the non-substitution effect, consumers of any background have no change of mental accounting when using the Quintuple Stimulus Vouchers; while those whose jobs are affected by Covid have a higher non-substitution effect than those who have not when using cash. Considering public service satisfaction, consumers who use the Quintuple Stimulus Vouchers with any type of promotions are more satisfied than those who did not.
    Based on the results, in respect to policy, it can be suggested to reduce the number of vouchers while increasing the denomination of each voucher, reduce the number of dispensations while increasing the amount of money, integrate promotional information on the government’s official website, and encourage application for digital vouchers. In respect to industry, the clothing industry can identify business opportunities from the voucher policy, and supermarkets should have less promotion while 3C stores diversify their promotions.
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