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    Title: 離散港人之何處是吾家?移居臺灣之香港移民的跨文化適應之敘事研究
    A narrative inquiry of the cross-cultural adaptation of the Hong Kong migrants in Taiwan
    Authors: 李嘉茵
    Li, Ka Yan
    Contributors: 傅如馨
    Fu, Trista Juhsin
    Li, Ka Yan
    Keywords: 移居臺灣
    Immigration to Taiwan
    Hong Kong immigrants
    Cross-cultural adaptation
    Coping strategies
    Narrative inquiry
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-12-02 11:28:13 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在了解香港移民在臺灣的跨文化適應歷程、遇到的挑戰、影響的因素以及所使用的因應策略。本研究邀請了四位香港移民,採用半結構式的深度訪談以及Lieblich等人(1998/2008)的敘事分析為研究方法,並以「整體—內容」與「類別—內容」進行分析,透過個別分析、綜合分析與討論的方式來呈現研究參與者之跨文化適應經驗。本研究所歸納之結果如下:


    The purpose of this study is to understand the cross-cultural adaptation processes of Hong Kong immigrants in Taiwan, the challenges encountered, the influencing factors, and the coping strategies employed. Four Hong Kong immigrants were invited to semi-structured, in-depth interviews alongside narrative analysis based on Lieblich et al. (1998/2008). The analysis was conducted using both "holistic-content" and "categorical-content" approaches. The study yields the following conclusions:

    1. In recent years, the cross-cultural adaptation processes of Hong Kong immigrants in Taiwan have been complex and unique, encompassing general challenges (such as culture shock and language difficulties) as well as challenges arising from Hong Kong's political situation, Taiwan's immigration policies and the pandemic.
    2. Both internal and external factors significantly influence the cross-cultural adaptation of Hong Kong immigrants. Internal factors include personality, skills, life experiences as well as the immigrant's preparedness and determination. External factors encompass sociopolitical factors and social support. These influencing factors are interrelated rather than existing independently.
    3. Hong Kong immigrants employ various coping strategies in their cross-cultural adaptation process, including task-oriented, emotion-focused, and social support strategies. The key lies not in the inherent effectiveness of these strategies, but in their flexibility and diversity.

    Based on the findings of this study, the researcher offers recommendations for government, helping professionals, Hong Kong immigrants and future research directions.
    Reference: 一、中文部分






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