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    Title: 自主的選擇?探究臺灣女性的凍卵經驗與生育價值觀
    Freezing as Freedom? Examining Oocyte Cryopreservation and Reproductive Values among Young Taiwanese Women
    Authors: 高皓慈
    Kao, Hao-Tzu
    Contributors: 王淑美
    Wang, Su-Mei
    Kao, Hao-Tzu
    Keywords: 人工輔助生殖技術
    Assisted Reproductive Technology
    Social Egg Freezing
    Fertility Preservation
    Delayed Childbearing
    Taiwan Young Women
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-12-02 11:25:17 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 目前關於台灣育齡女性進行社會性凍卵的相關研究仍然相對稀少。在台灣,隨著女性初婚年齡和生育年齡不斷延後,以及生殖技術的發展與普及,凍卵逐漸成為許多育齡女性考慮的選項。本研究以台灣年輕女性為研究對象,透過深度訪談法輔以網路二手資料,探討其實踐經驗。
    Research on social egg freezing among women of reproductive age in Taiwan remains relatively scarce. In Taiwan, as the age of first marriage and childbearing continues to be delayed, and with the development and popularization of reproductive technologies, egg freezing is gradually becoming an option considered by many women of reproductive age. This study focuses on young women in Taiwan, using in-depth interviews supplemented by online secondary data to explore their experiences with social egg freezing.
    The research emphasizes three main topics: first, the motivations of Taiwanese women for choosing egg freezing and their feelings during the procedure; second, their attitudes, thoughts, concerns, and underlying fertility values regarding future childbirth; and third, how they reconcile their reproductive decisions with their self-perceptions when choosing egg freezing and considering motherhood.
    Three key finding emerge from this study: first, egg freezing has become a strategy for women of reproductive age to cope with life uncertainties, with many choosing it due to the lack of a suitable partner. In making this decision, they take into account various factors such as life circumstances relationship status, and family background. The pressure of biological clock drives them to freeze their eggs as a way to preserve fertility, thereby reducing anxiety and societal pressure associated with aging. By freezing their eggs, they both extend the possibility of future childbirth and pursue personal goal. Second, the study reveals that the discomfort experienced during the egg freezing process far exceeds women’s expectations. Additionally, online social media posts and advertisements from reproductive center inadequately disclose the risks, often emphasizing the benefits while downplaying the discomfort and potential risks involved. Finally, these women often face the dilemma between self-fulfillment and societal expectations when making reproductive decision, leading to conflicting feelings about fertility-related issues.
    In conclusion, Taiwanese women’s choice to freeze their eggs reflects their desire to delay childbirth while also highlighting the personal and societal pressures they face as their fertility declines with age. Through egg freezing, these women try hard to take control of their fertility timeline, resisting both biological and sociocultural pressures. This demonstrates a high level of responsibility and proactive self-development in planning for their future.
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