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Title: | 中國在瑞⼠逐漸增強的銳實⼒影響 China’s Growing Sharp Power Influence in Switzerland |
Authors: | 孟愷修 Muerset, Nicolas |
Contributors: | 蔡中民 Tsai, Chung-Min 孟愷修 Muerset, Nicolas |
Keywords: | 銳實力 瑞士 中瑞關係 統一戰線工作部(UFW) 歐盟(EU) Sharp Power China-Switzerland relations United Front Work(UFW) European Union(EU) |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-12-02 11:23:34 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 這段文章描述了中國在瑞士逐漸擴大的「銳實力」影響,並探討了這一現象的多個方面,包括學術界、外交和政治干預、情報活動以及統一戰線工作。透過分析新聞文章、報告和研究資料,提供了對中國戰略影響的深入見解,並將北京在瑞士的影響力與更廣泛的歐洲進行了比較,指出瑞士獨特但共同的經歷以及對中瑞關係的實際態度。儘管在瑞士存在多方面的中國「銳實力」影響,但效果通常較為隱蔽,主要集中在學術和技術交流領域。此外,中共的統戰部在瑞士也相當活躍,因此需要在未來進一步持續觀察。瑞士重要決策者和關鍵經濟人物需提高意識並進一步思考中國在該國的「尖銳實力」做法。本研究的貢獻在於討論在現有民主國家中不斷增長的威權影響,並為未來研究這種權力動態的影響奠定了基礎。 China’s growing economic power in the last two decades coincides with the country’s increasingly assertive geopolitical stance. Sharp power, an international relations concept that emerged in 2017, describes the strategic use of predominantly manipulative and distortive influence tactics to shape foreign perceptions and policies particularly in the context of Beijing’s growing international influence. Ever since, the growing international relations phenomena has been researched extensively in the USA as well as Europe. Switzerland, however, has been left out of this academic trend. Therefore, this study investigates the expanding influence of China's sharp power in Switzerland. Various dimensions of China's sharp power in Switzerland, including influence in academia, diplomatic and political interference, espionage activities and the network of the United Front Work Department, that often unites sharp power efforts, are covered extensively. The analysis draws on data from news articles, reports, and research studies, offering insights into the implications of China's strategies. Beijing’s influence in Switzerland is compared within the broader European context, noting Switzerland's unique, yet common experience and its pragmatic approach to Sino-Swiss relations. While multifaceted Chinese sharp power influence efforts in Switzerland are apparent, the nature of the influence is generally less aggressive and seems to be focused on covert academic and technological exchange. Nonetheless, the CCP’s UFWD apparatus is extensive in Switzerland too and demands further continuous observation in the coming years. While specific advice is not within the scope of this study, ultimately, there is a need for heightened awareness amongst important decision makers and key economic figures in Switzerland and further investigation into China's sharp power practices in the country. This study contributes to the growing discourse on authoritarian influence in established democracies in particular and provides a first foundation for future studies on mitigating the impacts of such power dynamics in Switzerland. |
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