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    Title: 探討數位轉型下的新聞室—從個人與人際關係到變革策略建構的觀點
    The newsrooms under the digital transformation: perspectives from individual and interpersonal relationships to constructing change strategies
    Authors: 吳炳毅
    Wu, Ping-I
    Contributors: 陳聖智
    Chen, Sheng-Chih
    Wu, Ping-I
    Keywords: 數位轉型
    digital transformation
    digital change
    digital subscriptions
    journalistic autonomy
    CommonWealth Magazine
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-11-01 11:35:12 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,多數的國內外紙本媒體,都面臨營收上的考驗,不僅廣告營收因數位平台興起而銳減,在紙本發行營收面,更是因閱聽人習慣改變而屢創新低。在此趨勢下,部分紙本開始進行數位變革,調整新聞室的工作模式,以建構數位訂閱的新商業模式,爭取更多的數位發行營收。其中,根據文獻,在新聞組織的數位變革中,推動記者個人、人際關係的改變,通常是最為艱辛的過程。因此,本研究以《天下雜誌》平網整合下的編輯部為個案,以變革三階段理論為核心、藉深度訪談法,訪談八位《天下雜誌》內部工作者,從個人、人際關係角度,探討記者如何對變革產生動機、學習新變革和內化新變革,並順利完成變革。同時,也立基於這些探討,分析變革推動者採取何種策略,以有效推動記者完成變革。

    In recent years, most print media, both domestically and internationally, have faced significant revenue challenges. Advertising revenues have sharply declined due to the rise of digital platforms, and print circulation revenues have reached new lows as audience habits continue to shift. In response to these trends, some print media outlets have initiated digital transformations, adjusting newsroom operations to establish new business models focused on digital subscriptions, aiming to increase digital circulation revenues. According to the literature, in the process of digital transformation within news organizations, fostering changes in journalists' personal and interpersonal dynamics is often the most challenging aspect.

    Thus, this study uses the newsroom of CommonWealth Magazine under its integrated print and digital model as a case study, employing the "Changing as Three Steps" theory as the theoretical framework. Through in-depth interviews with eight internal staff members of CommonWealth Magazine, the research explores how journalists, from individual and interpersonal perspectives, develop motivation for change, learn new changes, internalize these changes, and successfully complete the transformation. Building upon these insights, the study also analyzes the strategies employed by change advocates to effectively facilitate journalists in accomplishing the change.

    This study found that journalists primarily faced changes related to "accelerated work pace and writing for online content," "creating new forms of digital narrative reporting," and "focusing on reader needs" in this transformation case. First, the findings indicate that journalists’ autonomy and journalists' role perceptions were key factors leading to initial resistance to change. Second, the "contextual support" and " team leader coaching" provided by the organization helped create a sense of psychological safety for journalists, which was instrumental in alleviating their resistance and facilitating gradual progress toward transformation. Third, this study suggests that workload, learning resources, and digital systems are critical dimensions to consider when observing digital transformation from individual and interpersonal perspectives. Fourth, the research also highlights that the digital transformation reports issued by news organizations serve not only to externally declare the organization’s commitment to change but also to internalize the change within the organization.

    Based on the findings and conclusions of this research, nine key practical recommendations are provided for news organizations to consider, which could enhance the likelihood of successfully completing the digital transformation.
    Reference: 中文部分

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