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    Title: 創傷知情在校園中的實踐:教師經驗探討
    Trauma-informed practice in schools: an exploration on teachers' experiences
    Authors: 許辰如
    Hsu, Chen-Ju
    Contributors: 宋呈澔
    Hsu, Chen-Ju
    Keywords: 創傷知情
    Trauma-informed practice in schools
    Teachers' experiences
    Student counseling
    Relationship of trust
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-11-01 11:32:06 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 創傷知情實踐的重要性不容忽視,其能夠為受創個體帶來正向助益,然而,目前臺灣校園的創傷知情發展尚未獲得足夠重視與普及。因此,本研究旨在探討國內教師創傷知情實踐的現況與具體經驗,並嘗試建立校園創傷知情的初步框架。



    The importance of trauma-informed practice should not be overlooked, as it can bring positive benefits to traumatized individuals; however, the development of trauma-informed practice in Taiwan schools has not yet been sufficiently emphasized and popularized. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the current situation and specific experiences of trauma-informed practices among teachers in Taiwan and try to develop a preliminary framework for trauma-informed practices in schools.
    This study adopted qualitative approach and used a semi-structured interview technique to data collection from total of 7 secondary teachers and school guidance counselors with experience in trauma-informed practice. Interviews were conducted from August 2023 to November 2023, and data were analyzed using Constructivist Grounded Theory and illustrated with examples. The findings of this study are summarized as follows:

    1.Teachers' realization of Trauma and Trauma Informed
    How teachers view trauma affects how they view individuals. The importance of practicing trauma-informed practice includes: creating an environment of understanding and acceptance to increase the expression of positive behaviors; expanding the counseling frame of reference to conceptualize cases as trauma-informed; dispelling myths about the labeling of mental illnesses to promote mental health awareness; and the need for systematic and collaborative linkages and dialogues to increase trust and consensus.

    2.Teachers' experience of trauma-informed practice and practice elements
    Teachers' experiences of trauma-informed practice echo and expand on the 4Rs of trauma-informed practice, namely, understanding the occurrence of trauma, recognizing the presentation of trauma, integrating knowledge of trauma in response, and preventing the possibility of re-traumatization. Teachers' trauma-informed practice is based on the core elements of “appropriate attitudes and actions” and “effect of student guidance and counseling work”.

    3.Difficulties and Prospects of Trauma-Informed Practice in Schools
    The practical dilemmas facing campus trauma-informed programs include the fact that teachers have not been trained in trauma-informed practice, the limited amount of time available for guidance and counseling, and the differences in professional training backgrounds. Increasing campus trauma-informed human resources, practicing the “pull of positive relationship” strategy, and deepening teachers' training in trauma-informed development are three important directions for the future development of trauma-informed programs.
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