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Title: | 教育改革背景下的中國城市家庭教養與教育不平等研究 Research on Parenting and Educational Inequality in Urban China under the Background of Education Reform |
Authors: | 施超 Shi, Chao |
Contributors: | 姜以琳 施超 Shi, Chao |
Keywords: | 家庭教養 文化資本 教育不平等 教育改革 社會階層 移民 Parenting Cultural Capital Educational Inequality Educational Reform Social Class Immigration |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-11-01 11:31:49 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究以子女為小學生的家庭為研究對象,基於在上海市的田野調查,通過32個家庭的深度訪談和12個家庭的家庭觀察,探討中國「雙減」改革背景下父母親職態度和家庭教養的異質性,並在此基礎上剖析家庭教養中文化資本的傳遞與教育不平等之間的關聯。研究發現,儅面臨全國性的教育改革,中產階層父母與工人階層父母不僅對「雙減」政策的親職態度有明顯差異,他們在是否要繼續學科類補習的決策、才藝類培訓的選擇與初衷、課後服務的參與與評價上亦呈現明顯的異質性。中產階層父母在面臨突如其來的制度環境變化時,更有能力重塑他們的教養行動以抵禦外在環境對子女培養的侵擾,致力於教育公平的「雙減」改革似乎帶來了非預期後果:維持甚至是擴大了課外教育中的不平等。此外,社會階層在中國城市父母的教養理念和其他日常生活多個面向的教養實踐呈現異質性的過程中亦發揮著重要作用。中產階層父母秉持 「言傳身教的培力護航」之教養理念,他們擁有必要的經濟資本、文化資本和社會資本來管理日常生活的度過方式、與子女之間的語言溝通、輔導功課的方式,以及高度參與子女的學校教育,以實現他們培力護航的教養理念。工人階層父母秉持 「樸素的愛與陪伴」之教養理念,他們不會安排很多以孩子為中心的學習或課外活動,習慣於使用「命令式/訓斥式」的語言管教子女,在功課輔導上,他們往往採取放任不管或直接告知答案的方式「授之以魚」,在家校互動上通常是被動配合、從不主動幹預的「旁觀者」。研究還發現,家庭在教養上的分化無法完全被社會階層所解釋,移民因素增加了親職態度和教養實踐在階級內部的層次,即使是同樣來自中產階層的父母,本地父母和移民父母在親職抱負、親職焦慮、才藝培訓的選擇定位、閑暇時間的安排、語言溝通方式、家校互動上也呈現一定異質性。此外,本研究描繪了基於階層和移民的文化資本代際傳遞的分化過程,並且展示了這些過程如何對教育不平等做出貢獻。首先,研究將父母的社會階層與他們的教養偏好聯繫起來,描述父母的文化技能庫如何影響他們期望培養的子女能力;其次,研究將父母的文化傳遞努力與子女激活文化資本與否的結果聯繫起來,表明不同傳遞方式的效果呈現一定的階層和移民分化;最後,研究關照到兒童的部分學習和發展結果,將兒童的文化資本激活與他們的收益掛鉤起來。總體而言,通過展示整個教養作用機制如何隨社會階層和移民因素的不同而變化,本研究闡明了中國兒童早期教育發展的不平等,展示了基於階層的不平等與基於移民的不平等同時存在於中國城市家庭的教養場域中。 This study examines families with primary school children in Shanghai. Drawing on 32 in-depth interviews and observations of 12 families, I explore the heterogeneity of parental attitudes and practices in response to China’s “Double Reduction” education reform. Specifically, I analyze how cultural capital transmission relates to educational inequality in contemporary China. The findings show that middle-class and working-class parents differ considerably in their attitudes toward the reform, as well as in their decisions about academic tutoring and after-school services. Faced with sudden changes in educational policy, middle-class parents adapt their strategies and shield their children from external influences, while working class parents cannot and do not. The reform intends to promote educational equality. However, given the class-based responses observed, the results suggest that a well-intentioned policy may inadvertently widen inequality. In addition to class background, immigration status also shape parenting styles. Local and immigrant middle-class parents differ in their educational aspirations and levels of parental anxiety. These same-class but different migrant status parents also exhibit differences ranging from choices in children’s talent training, language used in parent-child communications, to home-school interactions. With these findings, this study sheds light on the complex dynamics of early childhood education development in China. I highlight the dynamics nuances of class-based and migration-based inequalities among urban families. |
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Description: | 博士 國立政治大學 社會學系 105254503 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105254503 |
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