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    Title: 重構泰國國際教育:精英教育體系中在地化與特權的交集
    Problematising international education in Thailand: the intersectionality of locality and privilege across elite education pathways
    Authors: 聶舜文
    Neveu, Marco Akira Konogan
    Contributors: 杜福童
    Jacob Reidhead
    Marco Akira Konogan Neveu
    Keywords: 泰国
    Elite education
    International education
    Social capital
    Symbolic capital
    Social network theory
    Social stratification
    Thai politics
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-11-01 11:23:47 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 这篇论文通过去殖民的视角,重点关注国际学校,探讨了泰国精英教育体系中的特权、地方性和社会资本的复杂交汇。通过对四所著名学校——泰国三育中学、苏安库拉布中学、NIST国际学校和曼谷哈罗国际学校——的校友职业和生活轨迹进行研究,旨在理解不同形式的社会资本如何塑造职业生涯,延续特权并加剧全球不平等。本文运用了布尔迪厄的资本理论,结合南·林的资本形成网络理论以及去殖民视角,对领英(LinkedIn)平台上的定量数据和田野调查的定性见解进行了分析。研究发现,无论是国家学校还是国际学校的校友,都在保持强烈本地联系的同时,逐渐融入全球职业网络;这种过程呈现出不同的整合规模和网络取向。该过程反映了殖民遗产的持久影响,以及泰国国家精英权力结构的再生产。此研究对精英教育和国际教育体系如何在全球化背景下强化社会分层、优先确保精英获取全球资源提供了广泛的理解,并对教育政策、去殖民理论及泰国的社会流动性产生了重要启示。
    This thesis explores the complex intersection of privilege, locality, and social capital within Thailand's elite education system, through a decolonial lens and with special attention drawn to international schools. By examining alumni outcomes from four prominent schools—Triam Udom Suksa, Suan Kularb Wittiyalai, NIST International School, and Harrow International School Bangkok—the research seeks to understand how different forms of social capital shape life and career trajectories, perpetuating both privilege and global inequities. Drawing on Bourdieu’s theory of capital and incorporating a network-based approach of capital formation from Nan Lin as well as decolonial perspectives, the study analyses both quantitative data from LinkedIn profiles and qualitative insights from fieldwork. The findings reveal that alumni from both national and international schools maintain strong local ties while increasingly engaging with global professional networks; at differing scales of integration, and with different network orientations. This process reflects the enduring legacies of colonialism and the reproduction of the elite power structures of the Thai state. This research contributes to the broader understanding of how elite and international education systems reinforce social stratification in a globalised world, prioritising elite access to global resources. It holds implications for educational policy, decolonial theory and social mobility in Thailand.
    Reference: Adecco Thailand. Thailand Salary Guide 2024. https://adecco.co.th/salary-guide/2024/
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