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Title: | 鹽埕地區再造與復興:以鹽埕第一公有市場青銀共市政策為例 Reconstruction and Revitalization of the Yancheng District: A Case Study of the Elderly-Youth Co-Market Policy in Yancheng 1st Public Market |
Authors: | 劉彥君 Liu, Yen-Chun |
Contributors: | 傅凱若 Fu, Kai-Jo 劉彥君 Liu, Yen-Chun |
Keywords: | 協力治理 協力創新 傳統市場活化 青銀共市 地方復興 Collaborative governance Collaborative innovation Traditional market revitalization Elderly-Youth co-market Local revitalization |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-11-01 11:06:17 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來,台灣各城市面臨老城區衰退的挑戰,而高雄市鹽埕區作為典型的城市衰退案例,逐漸透過政策創新與再造計畫展現復興契機。本研究聚焦於鹽埕第一公有市場推動的「青銀共市」計畫,這項計畫藉由協力治理與協力創新理論框架,結合私部門與公部門以及青年攤商的合作,實現市場空間的活化與區域經濟的新發展機會;透過青銀共市計畫,傳統市場成為吸引青年創業的重要平台,不僅僅使得高雄的文化創意產業得以持續的在鹽埕地區進行擴張與深化,並解為傳統市場的發展帶來新的發展方式。 本研究以半結構式深度訪談法,對參與青銀共市計畫的參捌地方創生、高雄市政府死青年攤商等利益相關者進行訪談,並運用Lopes & Farias(2022)提出之協力創新理論模型,從行動者內部特徵、行動者間的關係、行動者的參與模式及管理者角色和領導方式實踐四大面向進行分析,並且結合Ansell & Gash(2008)所提出之協力治理循環的階段理論(初期、過程與成果階段),去分析本次個案在每個發展時序上的創新特徵。根據研究結果展示了政府與民間的緊密合作是政策成功的關鍵因素,並可作為未來高雄市及其他地方創生計畫可參考的實踐案例與發展建議。 In recent years, many urban areas in Taiwan have encountered significant decline, particularly in older districts. Yancheng District in Kaohsiung exemplifies this urban decay, where aging populations and economic downturns have exacerbated the problem. This study explores the revitalization of Yancheng’s 1st Public Market through the “Elderly-Youth Co-Market” policy. By integrating the frameworks of collaborative governance and collaborative innovation, this initiative facilitates cooperation between the elderly and younger generations to rejuvenate the market space. The policy not only transforms underutilized stalls into opportunities for young entrepreneurs to return to their hometowns but also revitalizes the local economy and reinvigorates the district's cultural identity. This research utilizes semi-structured, in-depth interviews with key stakeholders involved in the Co-Market policy, including government representatives, private sector partners, and young vendors. By applying the collaborative innovation model, the study examines four core dimensions: internal organizational characteristics, inter-organizational relationships, tools and strategies for citizen participation, and leadership roles. The findings highlight that close collaboration between the public and private sectors is a critical factor in the policy's success, offering valuable insights and practical recommendations for future urban regeneration and local revitalization efforts in other regions. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 公共行政學系 111256016 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0111256016 |
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