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    題名: 臺灣能源轉型的民主挑戰:以萬里金山對地熱能發展的社會接受為啟示
    The Democratic Challenges of Taiwan's Energy Transition: Insights from the Social Acceptance of Geothermal Development in Wanli and Jinshan
    作者: 郭彥廷
    Kuo, Yen-Ting
    貢獻者: 杜文苓
    Tu, Wen-Ling
    Kuo, Yen-Ting
    關鍵詞: 能源民主
    Energy democracy
    social acceptance
    renewable energy
    geothermal energy
    日期: 2024
    上傳時間: 2024-11-01 11:06:06 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 在邁向更為淨零、永續社會的路程中,再生能源成為全球各國極力發展的建設項目。在發展再生能源的同時,除了改善環境現況,也希望能夠促進更為公正、正義的社會,建立一個有別於傳統化石燃料能源壟斷、集中的決策模式,重視能源與地方的互動、關注社區福祉並促進居民的參與,這在許多國家包括臺灣皆在再生能源相關政策中都有著墨。然而發展至今,仍能發現過去能源建設造成的環境、社會傷害的景象發生於再生能源的發展之中。在許多案例中,也看到了能源與地方社區的衝突,除了地方的環境衝擊,也包括了利害關係人參與、溝通的程序不利居民參與,或是對於能源發展的不同想像難以交集。
    是故,本研究援引了能源民主(energy democracy)及社會接受(social acceptance)之概念,以地熱能發展的角度切入出發,並以臺灣北海岸地區作為主要研究場域。北海岸地區具有近半世紀的能源發展史,我國許多重要的能源設施皆建於此地,如火力(協和電廠)、核能(核一、核二、核四廠)、離岸風力等。然而在發展的同時也伴隨著許多爭議以及不公。近期位於大屯山地區的四磺子坪先導地熱廠正式啟用,其所屬的硫磺子坪地熱能示範區也開始動土,這意味著未來地熱亦有可能在北海岸地區有更多的發展。本文透過深度訪談,瞭解民間組織及地方社群對於地熱的認知與想像,並探討有什麼樣的機制與方法能促進居民在能源方面的決策參與並從中受益。藉由個案研究的方式,希望能夠給予未來臺灣在再生能源的社會基礎建設方面給予啟示,並精進當前的溝通、參與機制,以更加落實公平與正義。
    In the journey towards a cleaner, zero-emission, and sustainable society, renewable energy has become a major construction project vigorously pursued by countries worldwide. While developing renewable energy aims to improve environmental conditions, there is also a desire to promote a more just and equitable society. This involves establishing a decision-making model distinct from the traditional fossil fuel energy monopoly and concentration, emphasizing the interaction between energy and localities, focusing on community well-being, and promoting resident participation. Many countries, including Taiwan, address these aspects in their renewable energy policies. However, despite the progress, one can still observe environmental and social damage occurring in the development of renewable energy, reminiscent of the issues caused by conventional energy construction.
    Most research on renewable energy predominantly focuses on technical and economic aspects, with limited discussion on social issues. Public administration has historically shown less interest in this field. While renewable energy policies are primarily formulated at the national level, their successful implementation depends on local acceptance. The willingness of local communities to embrace these projects is crucial for their success. Within this context, the development of renewable energy emerges as a transdisciplinary issue, with a significant role played by the social sciences.
    Benefiting from inherent natural advantages and overcoming technological and cost-related challenges, geothermal energy has witnessed rapid growth in Taiwan in recent years. It is now considered one of the country's key prospective energy sources, with exploration and construction activities taking place in various regions. Unlike more common wind and solar energy sources, geothermal energy's smaller scale and baseload characteristics may pave the way for different development paths in the future. However, like other energy sources, geothermal development still faces challenges such as risk management and addressing issues related to local residents' participation and benefit-sharing. In recent years, disputes related to geothermal energy have also occurred in Taiwan.
    This study draws on the concepts of energy democracy and social acceptance, focusing on the perspective of geothermal energy development and using the northern coast of Taiwan as the primary research area. The northern coast has a history of nearly half a century in energy development, hosting crucial energy facilities such as thermal power plants, nuclear power plants, and offshore wind farms. However, along with development, numerous controversies and injustices have arisen. The recently inaugurated Sulfur Creek Pilot Geothermal Plant in Datun Mountain area indicates the potential for further geothermal development on the northern coast. Through in-depth interviews, this research aims to understand the perceptions and imaginations of civil organizations and local communities regarding geothermal energy. It explores mechanisms and methods that can enhance residents' proactive participation and decision-making in energy matters for their benefit. By adopting a case study approach, the hope is to provide insights for Taiwan's future social infrastructure in renewable energy, suggesting ways to improve current communication and participation mechanisms to achieve greater fairness and justice.
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