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    Title: 依附關係、壓力因應與幸福感的關係
    The Relationship Between Attachment Styles, Stress Responses, and Psychological Well-Being
    Authors: 楊麗芬
    Yang, Li-Fen
    Contributors: 詹志禹
    Chan, Chih-Yu
    Yang, Li-Fen
    Keywords: 依附
    Coping styles
    Psychological well-being
    High school students
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-11-01 11:01:13 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文旨在探討依附風格與幸福感之間的關係,以及壓力因應在此關係中的調節效果。研究對象主要是桃園地區的兩所學校的572位學生,一所是商業職業學校含綜合高中,另一所是農工學校,含農經科、園藝科、電機科及電子科。背景變項有性別、年級和科系。研究工具採用「依附風格量表」、「因應型態量表」及「幸福感量表」。依附風格包含害怕依附、安全依附、排除依附與焦慮依附四個向度,因應型態包含積極因應與消極因應兩個向度,幸福感包含生活滿意與正向情緒兩個向度。研究的分析方法從描述統計到推論統計:如卡方、t檢定、變異數、相關、迴歸分析等。
    量化分析的研究結果與發現:安全依附向度分數越高的學生傾向於採用較積極的壓力因應策略,並且具有較高的幸福感,而不安全依附向度分數越高的學生則傾向於採用較消極的壓力因應策略,幸福感較低:這表示「依附風格」與「壓力因應」對於「幸福感」具有預測力。而本研究主要的發現是,壓力因應型態會調節依附風格與幸福感之間的關係,同時讓不同依附向度者,在幸福感的生活滿意及正向情緒產生變化。消極因應會分別調節安全、排除與害怕三個依附向度與生活滿意之間的關係。首先,對「低安全依附」的人而言,要「低消極因應」才會對生活比較滿意;對「高安全依附」的人而言,消極因應的高低似乎對生活滿意度沒有影響。其次,對「高排除依附」的人而言,要「低消極因應」才會對生活比較滿意;對「低排除依附」的人而言,消極因應的高低似乎對生活滿意度影響相對較小。最後, 對「低害怕依附」的人而言,要「低消極因應」才會對生活比較滿意;對「高消極因應」者而言,害怕依附的高低,對生活滿意度影響不大。
    This thesis examines the relationship between attachment styles and well-being, with a focus on the moderating effect of stress responses. The study involved 572 students from two schools in the Taoyuan district: a commercial vocational institution with a comprehensive high school and an agricultural and industrial school offering specialized programs in farm management, horticulture, electrical engineering, and electronics.
    Key background variables include gender, grade level, and academic department. The research utilized the Attachment Style Scale, Coping Style Scale, and Well-being Scale as measurement tools. Attachment styles were classified into four dimensions: fearful, secure, dismissive, and anxious. Coping styles were categorized as active or passive, while well-being was assessed through measures of life satisfaction and positive emotional states. The study employed a range of statistical analyses, from descriptive to inferential, including chi-square tests, t-tests, analysis of variance (ANOVA), correlation, and regression analysis.
    The results indicate that students with higher secure attachment scores are more likely to utilize active stress responses and report higher well-being. Conversely, students with higher insecure attachment scores tend to engage in passive stress responses and exhibit lower well-being. These findings suggest that attachment styles and stress responses are significant predictors of well-being. A notable finding is that stress responses moderate the relationship between attachment styles and well-being, influencing life satisfaction and positive emotions differently depending on the attachment dimension. Specifically, passive coping moderates the relationship between secure, dismissive, and fearful attachment styles and life satisfaction. Individuals with low secure attachment experience greater life satisfaction when they exhibit low levels of passive coping, while passive coping levels appear to have little impact on life satisfaction for those with high secure attachment. Similarly, for individuals with high dismissive attachment, lower levels of passive coping are associated with higher life satisfaction, whereas passive coping levels seem to have a relatively minor effect on life satisfaction for those with low dismissive attachment. Finally, for individuals with low fearful attachment, life satisfaction is higher when passive coping is minimal, while the level of fearful attachment has little impact on life satisfaction for those with high levels of passive coping.
    Secondary findings suggest that merely enhancing active coping does not universally improve well-being across all attachment styles, as the moderating effects of coping styles vary in intensity and direction depending on the attachment style. Qualitative analysis of post-intervention data reveals that in some cases, interventions that help students transform anxious attachment into secure attachment, maintain secure attachment, or develop active coping strategies may contribute to improved well-being. These case studies align with the findings from the quantitative research. Future research should further investigate the specific processes and mechanisms underlying these effects. Additionally, it is recommended that educational institutions emphasize psychology-related coursework and implement appropriate educational reforms, interventions, and practices.
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