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    Title: 企業與藝文機構贊助關係之研究
    A Study of the Sponsorship Relationship Between Corporations and Arts Organizations
    Authors: 許祐得
    Hsu, Yu-Te
    Contributors: 張瑜倩
    Chang, Yu-Chien
    Hsu, Yu-Te
    Keywords: 企業贊助
    Corporate sponsorship
    Art organizations
    Sponsorship relationship
    Sponsorship motivation
    Sponsorship process model
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-11-01 10:57:20 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在政府能夠補助的經費縮減下,而藝文機構在面臨高度競爭下,他們開始尋求民營單位的資金挹注。例如:英國公共政策與企業贊助之間的關係緊密,企業贊助甚至成為執政黨的重要政績。對藝文機構而言,企業贊助能夠補足其不足的資源,使其藝術文化價值能夠在社會上實現;此外,企業贊助藝術活動並非僅是單純的慈善行為,其背後更蘊藏著深遠的商業價值與潛力。本研究旨在探討台灣企業與藝文機構如何建立雙贏的贊助關係。



    With government funding for the arts sector decreasing and competition among arts organizations intensifying, these organizations are increasingly seeking financial support from the private sector. In the United Kingdom, for instance, there is a close relationship between public policy and corporate sponsorship, with the latter even being considered a significant achievement of the ruling party. For arts organizations, corporate sponsorship can supplement their limited resources, enabling them to realize their artistic and cultural value in society. Moreover, corporate sponsorship of the arts sector is not merely a charitable act; it also holds significant commercial value and potential. This study, therefore, aims to explore how Taiwanese corporations and arts organizations can establish mutually beneficial sponsorship relationships.

    Key findings reveal that corporate sponsorship of arts and cultural institutions is motivated by a variety of intertwined factors, including promoting arts and culture, contributing to the local community, enhancing corporate image, and responding to policy incentives. Companies seek long-term partnerships with arts organizations and value alignment of values and the organization's execution capabilities. Arts organizations desire cash, in-kind donations, and marketing resources, and also prioritize long-term partnerships.

    In establishing sponsorship relationships, personal referrals and cold outreach are key. Maintaining these relationships requires high-level interaction, dedicated communication channels, and effective communication. However, the post-event reports provided by arts organizations are often standardized and may not meet corporate needs for assessing sponsorship effectiveness. While both parties generally prefer long-term collaboration, arts organizations face challenges due to competition and evolving corporate priorities.

    This study not only bridges a gap in Taiwanese studies on arts sponsorship but also validates the applicability of the sponsorship process model in the Taiwanese context, further expanding the model's implications. The findings offer practical recommendations for both corporations and arts organizations, fostering mutually beneficial partnerships.
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