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    Title: 以素養教育觀點探討兒童圖書館之服務設計
    Service design of children's library service: literacy and competence development perspectives
    Authors: 陳芳綾
    Chen, Fang-Ling
    Contributors: 李沛錞
    Lee, Pei-Chun
    Chen, Fang-Ling
    Keywords: 兒童圖書館
    Children’s library
    Literacy and competence development
    Service design
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-11-01 10:33:51 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 當今全球在提及兒童教育之時,不再僅是逐一檢視兒童的單項能力程度,如Literacy 經常強調的聆聽、口說、閱讀、寫作等能力,而是開始注重綜合能力的素養發展,如Competence 所涵蓋的數理、科技、數位、文化、社會互動、自主學習等對跨領域知識及應用的學習,從各項指標的制定乃至課綱的改革,皆顯示平衡的素養發展對兒童的成長歷程是有所助益的。兩者於中文上經常以「素養」概括,目前並無公認且常用的劃分名詞,故本研究以Literacy與Competence 各自擁有的內涵形成素養教育觀點的視角,為的是能以新的角度再次審視兒童圖書館的服務設計。推行素養教育的工作除了交由學校等主要教育機構主導外,兒童圖書館的責任之一亦是成為具備教育輔助功能的機構,因此,本研究選擇兒童圖書館作為此次之研究對象,探討其於服務設計上的運作是否符合現今教育趨勢下所訂立的素養教育目標。
    Literacy 與 Competence 指標,且運用服務設計的六大構面(行動者、資源/資源整合、服務系統、參與、情境脈絡、體驗), 同時檢驗本研究選取的三所兒童圖書館個案。再者利用深度訪談法,對國內個案的國立臺灣圖書館館員進行深度訪談,以補足無法於文獻及其他資料上所獲取的資訊。經過研究分析後,回應本研究的兩個研究問題:(一)現今兒童圖書館的服務設計是否符合兒童素養發展需求?(二)兒童圖書館如何改善現有的服務以協助兒童的素養發展?希冀為兒童圖書館尋求一個可供館方進行服務設計評估的參考標準,亦同時可與教育部的政策方針相互配合,使兒童圖書館不落下作為教育輔助機構的使命。
    In contemporary global discussions on children's education, the focus has shifted from merely evaluating individual abilities such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing, as emphasized by Literacy, to a more comprehensive development of competencies. This includes areas such as mathematics, science, technology, digital literacy, cultural understanding, social interaction, and autonomous learning, which are essential for interdisciplinary knowledge and application. The formulation of various indicators and curriculum reforms demonstrate that balanced competence development benefits children's growth. While both concepts are often collectively referred to as "素養" in Chinese, there is currently no widely accepted or commonly used terminology to distinguish them. Therefore, this study adopts the perspectives of "Literacy" and "Competence" to provide a new viewpoint on education. The aim is to reassess the service design of children's libraries from this novel perspective. In addition to being primarily driven by educational institutions such as schools, the role of children's libraries as educational support institutions is also crucial. Consequently, this study focuses on children's libraries to examine whether their service design aligns with the current educational trends and the objectives of literacy education.
    This study employs a case study method as the primary research approach, utilizing literature analysis to compile indicators of Literacy and Competence from both domestic and international sources. The research also applies the six dimensions of service design (actors, resources/resource integration, service systems, participation, contextual factors, and experiences) to evaluate three selected children's library cases. Additionally, in-depth interviews are conducted with staff from the National Taiwan Library, a domestic case, to supplement information not available in literature or other data sources. Following the analysis, the study addresses two research questions: (1) Does the service design of contemporary children's libraries meet the needs of children's literacy and competence development? (2) How can children's libraries improve their existing services to support children's literacy and competence development? The goal is to provide a reference standard for library staff to evaluate service design and align with educational policies, ensuring that children's libraries fulfill their role as educational support institutions.
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