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Title: | 揭露還是不揭露?探討AIGC廣告揭露對消費者廣告雙歧態度、廣告可信度、品牌態度的影響 To Disclose or Not to Disclose? An Empirical Study on the Impact of AIGC Advertising Disclosure on Consumer Advertising Ambivalence, Advertising Credibility, and Brand Attitudes |
Authors: | 唐友友 Tang, Yu-Yu |
Contributors: | 張郁敏 Chang, Yuh-Miin 唐友友 Tang, Yu-Yu |
Keywords: | 人工智慧生成內容 AIGC廣告 AIGC廣告揭露 廣告雙歧態度 廣告訊息可信度 廣告來源可信度 品牌態度 網路實驗法 AIGC advertisement AIGC advertising disclosure ambivalent attitude ad message credibility ad source credibility brand attitude experimental research |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-10-04 11:06:12 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著數位技術的快速發展,廣告製作的方式正在進入AI輔助合作(AI-assisted collaboration)時代,影像可以使用演算法進行編輯並生成內容,為廣告產業帶來了新的篇章。人工智慧生成內容(AIGC)的應用顯著加速了決策過程,提高了整體行銷效率。本研究探討AIGC廣告揭露及所帶來的廣告效果,將分為AIGC廣告不揭露組別和AIGC廣告揭露組別,以廣告雙歧態度(即同時存在正面和負面態度)、廣告訊息可信度、廣告來源可信度以及對品牌態度的影響。初步探討AIGC廣告揭露如何從態度面和認知面影響品牌態度。 實驗設計採用組間單因子實驗法(One-factor experimental method),採用網路實驗法,研究對象鎖定在年齡在18歲至30歲、熟悉中文的消費者進行調查。最終共收集158份有效問卷,分別為AIGC廣告揭露組別59位、AIGC廣告不揭露組別59位。通過研究分析AIGC廣告揭露不會產生廣告雙歧態度,廣告雙歧態度的消費者會對於廣告訊息產生較低的可信度,以及廣告雙歧態度的消費者會對於廣告來源產生較低的可信度以及後續較低的品牌態度。學術上,消費者對於AIGC廣告產生廣告雙歧態度,則降低對於廣告訊息可信度,且同時降低對於廣告來源可信度,最後負面影響品牌態度。實務上,廣告主應避免讓消費者在觀看AIGC廣告過程中產生廣告雙歧態度,並且AIGC廣告操弄的複雜性和廣告可信度兩者取得平衡。最後根據廣告概念、研究變項、研究方法提出研究的限制,同時研究者認為探索不同形式的AIGC廣告揭露效果、不同形式的廣告形式以及廣告主題選擇,為後續的研究給予研究建議。 With the rapid development of digital technology, advertising production is entering an era of AI-assisted collaboration. The application of AI-generated content (AIGC) has significantly accelerated decision-making processes and improved overall marketing efficiency, ushering in a new chapter for the advertising industry. This study explores the impact of AIGC ad disclosure on advertising effectiveness, this study will compare two groups: non-disclosure of AIGC ads and disclosure of AIGC ads. The research will examine the effects on ambivalence in advertising attitudes (the coexistence of both positive and negative attitudes), the ad message attitudes, ad source attitudes, and the impact on brand attitude. This preliminary exploration investigates how AIGC ad disclosure influences brand attitudes from both attitudinal and cognitive perspectives. The experimental design adopts a between-groups one-factor experimental method. To align with real consumer ad-watching scenarios, an online experimental approach is used. The study targets consumers aged 18 to 30 who are familiar with the Chinese language. A total of 158 valid questionnaires were collected, with 59 participants in the AIGC ad disclosure group and 59 in the non-disclosure group. The research analysis shows that AIGC ad disclosure does not generate ambivalence in advertising attitudes. However, consumers with ambivalent attitudes toward ads tend to perceive lower credibility in the ad message and ad source, leading to a lower subsequent brand attitude. Academically, the study found that when consumers experience ambivalence toward AIGC ads, it lowers their perceived credibility of the ad message and source, ultimately negatively affecting brand attitude. Practically, advertisers should avoid creating ambivalence in consumers when they are exposed to AIGC ads and strive to balance the complexity of AIGC manipulation with the credibility of the ads. This study also discusses the limitations of the selected ad concept, research variables, and methods. The researchers suggest that future studies explore the effects of different forms of AIGC disclosure, different ad formats, and theme selections for advertisers. |
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