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Title: | 元宇宙時代虛擬商品之商標侵權爭議問題─以NFT商品交易為中心 Trademark Infringement Issues of Virtual Goods in the Metaverse Era: Focusing on NFT Transactions |
Authors: | 王薇婷 Wang, Wei-Ting |
Contributors: | 宋皇志 沈宗倫 王薇婷 Wang, Wei-Ting |
Keywords: | 商標權 虛擬商品 NFT 商標侵權 言論自由抗辯 商標權耗盡 |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-10-04 10:40:43 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來,由於區塊鏈技術和非同質化代幣(NFT)的發展,虛擬商品和服務的交易經歷了前所未有的熱潮與革新,隨之也引發了許多商標侵權爭議。本文旨在探討元宇宙時代虛擬商品的商標侵權問題,並提出相關建議。具體而言,本文釐清NFT在虛擬商品或服務交易中的驗證功能,並對近期美國實務上涉及虛擬商品交易的幾件知名訴訟案件,包括「Hermès Int’l v. Rothschild案」、「Yuga Labs v. Ryder Ripps案」和「NIKE v. StockX案」等進行判決分析。 透過借鏡國際案例,本文分析了NFT商品是否應受商標權保護之問題,並探討我國未來面對虛擬商品或服務之商標侵權案件時,應如何適用混淆誤認之虞判斷因素。此外,本文探討了NFT相關案件中的言論自由抗辯適用爭議,以及虛擬商品與實體商品之間的商標權利耗盡問題。希望在促進NFT市場健全發展的同時,確保商標權人和消費者權利皆受到應有的保護。 In recent years, the development of blockchain technology and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) has led to an unprecedented surge and innovation in the trading of virtual goods and services, which has also triggered numerous trademark infringement disputes. This paper aims to explore trademark infringement issues concerning virtual goods in the metaverse era and provide relevant suggestions. Specifically, this paper clarifies the verification function of NFTs in the trading of virtual goods or services and analyzes recent prominent U.S. court cases involving virtual goods transactions, including the "Hermès Int’l v. Rothschild" case, the "Yuga Labs v. Ryder Ripps" case, and the "NIKE v. StockX" case. By examining cases under American law, this paper analyzes whether NFT products should be protected under trademark law and discusses how likelihood of confusion factors should be applied in future trademark infringement cases involving virtual goods or services in Taiwan. Additionally, this paper explores the applicability of the free speech defenses in NFT-related cases and the issue of trademark exhaustion between virtual and physical goods. The goal is to ensure that while promoting the healthy development of the NFT market, the rights of trademark owners and consumers are adequately protected. |
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