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    Title: 父母陪伴、家庭環境與幼兒發展
    Parental Involvement, Family Environment, and Early Childhood Development
    Authors: 辜筠涵
    Ku, Yun-Han
    Contributors: 蘇昱璇
    Ku, Yun-Han
    Keywords: 幼兒發展
    Parental involvement
    Family environment
    Early childhood development
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-10-04 10:31:37 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,隨著少子化的情形日益加劇,除了鼓勵生育外,如何讓幼兒在一健康、安全、和諧的環境中茁壯成長,使其獲得充分發展也成為世人所關注之一大課題。家庭是大多數幼兒出生後首次接觸及生活的環境,在各式各樣的因素中,與幼兒關係最緊密的便是家庭環境,家庭環境也被認為是對幼兒認知發展影響最大的環境因素之一,本研究旨在探討家庭環境中的學習環境對幼兒發展的影響,特別聚焦於家庭中提供的學習機會與資源,採用「台灣幼兒發展資料庫」(Kids In Taiwan)中36月齡幼兒的第一、第二及第三波問卷調查資料,以普通最小平方法進行分析,並透過固定效果模型處理內生性問題。
    In recent years, as the trend of declining birth rates has intensified, apart from encouraging childbirth, how to ensure that children grow up in a healthy, safe, and harmonious environment to achieve their full development has become a major concern for society. The family is the first and primary environment that most children come into contact with and live in after birth. Among various factors, the family environment is the closest to children and is considered one of the most influential environmental factors in children’s development. Therefore, this study aims to explore the relationship between the family environment, parental involvement , and early childhood development. I use data from three waves of the “Kids In Taiwan” database. The analysis plans to use ordinary least squares (OLS) and addressing endogeneity issues through fixed-effects models.
    The study found that the family environment has a significant positive impact on child development. This result remains consistent even when controlling for the child’s gender, parents’ education level, parents' working hours, and family income.This indicates that regardless of the parents' educational background or economic status, a quality family environment can positively influence a child's cognitive, language, social, and body development. Regarding companionship time, most combinations also showed a significant positive impact on child development, further confirming the importance of family environment and companionship time for child development. These findings emphasize the crucial role of parents in providing a warm and supportive environment and sufficient companionship time in their daily lives for the holistic growth of their children. Therefore, both primary caregivers, such as parents, and policymakers should place greater emphasis on promoting measures to create a good family environment and increase parent-child interactions to foster comprehensive child development.
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