题名: | 以心理韌性及行善在社群媒體上建立名人品牌:臺灣世界級運動員觀點 Building human brands with mental toughness and good deeds on social media: Taiwan world-class athletes’ perspectives |
作者: | 周怡文 Chou, Yee-Wen |
贡献者: | 白佩玉 Pai, Pei-Yu 周怡文 Chou, Yee-Wen |
关键词: | 心理韌性 善行 社群媒體 名人品牌 臺灣世界級運動員 運動員生涯 個人社會責任 Mental toughness Good deeds Social media Human brand Taiwan world-class athletes Athlete career Personal social responsibility |
日期: | 2024 |
上传时间: | 2024-09-04 16:08:50 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 本研究旨在建立以臺灣世界級運動員為出發點的名人品牌。藉由調整過的C-R-A (能力、關聯性、自主溝通)架構下保存臺灣運動文化,也協助運動員透過自媒體從事善行、建立品牌。本研究提出的C-R-A架構係根據心理學的內在動機模型A-R-C(自主性、關聯性、能力),應用於建立個人品牌,並依循下列原則而發展出C-R-A架構:1. C-R-A之順序係依照運動員認知重新排列順序; 2.三項元素之間的交集與關聯性,不同於過去文獻主張的相互獨立;3.自主性著重於運動員如何抉擇對外的傳播管道,意即,相對傳統媒體客觀性,本研究強調運動員主動選擇社群媒體內容。
本研究採用具名面對面訪談進行質化研究分析,研究闡釋了運動員心理韌性的形成歷程,彰顯運動員投入公益品牌行銷的非營利本質,並探討社群媒體在建立個人品牌過程中發揮的作用。本研究發現可歸納為C-R-A研究架構:(1)能力(competence)代表運動員的心理韌性(mental toughness)、(2)關聯性(relatedness)代表運動員透過行善(good deeds)來建立個人與社會的連結、(3)自主傳播性(autonomous communication)代表運動員運用社群媒體(social media)與社會大眾互動,萃取出臺灣世界級運動員的名人品牌核心價值。研究結果驗證了心理韌性定義中「目標導向」的重要性、針對運動員名人品牌總結出專屬於運動員的品牌箴言、品牌識別要素及釐清未來品牌發展方向。建立在自主傳播基礎上,本研究進一步針對不同媒體使用階段及興趣程度之名人品牌追隨者群體,提出四種可供發揚運動員個人品牌公益性之實務建議,使臺灣世界級運動員名人品牌符合個人社會責任並達到可持續發展目標。 This study seeks to develop human brands centered around Taiwanese world-class athletes, integrating the core values of Taiwanese sports culture using an innovate C-R-A (Competence, Relatedness, Autonomous communication) framework. This framework variates the intrinsic motivation A-R-C model (Autonomy- Relatedness-Competence) innovatively by: 1) rearranging the sequence of elements to reflect athletes' perceptions; 2) focusing on the interrelationships among these elements rather than treating them as separate; 3) using autonomy in various roles as a means of external communication; and 4) considering the subjective visibility of athletes on social media, which contrasts with the objectivity of traditional media.
The C-R-A framework comprises Competence through mental toughness, Relatedness through good deeds, and Autonomous Communication via social media, thereby distilling the essential qualities of Taiwanese athletes' human brands. Through in-depth interviews, this qualitative study clarifies the development of mental toughness, emphasizes the non-profit aspect of athletes' brands via philanthropic activities, and examines the role of social media.
The findings highlight the critical role of goal orientation in defining mental toughness, establish athlete-specific brand mantras and identifiers, and outline future directions for human brand strategies. In addition, an analysis of followers' media usage and engagement levels are raised based on autonomous communication. The study proposes four practical recommendations to enhance the philanthropic dimensions of these human brands, in alignment with personal social responsibility and sustainable development goals. |
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