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    Title: 《上班不要看NSFW》之文化實踐與共鳴
    Studies of Cultural Practices and Resonance in YouTube Channel《NSFW》
    Authors: 江怡蘋
    Chiang, I-Pin
    Contributors: 陳儒修
    Robert Chen
    Chiang, I-Pin
    Keywords: 次文化
    Cultural Practices
    Cultural Studies
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 16:08:20 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討YouTube頻道《上班不要看NSFW》創作者與觀眾的文化實踐及共鳴。透過文本分析與深度訪談,本研究運用次文化理論和新部落理論,深入解析頻道創作脈絡及其文化符號的再現。研究詳細探討了頻道如何透過幽默和挑釁元素,在數位媒體環境中創造出高度吸引力的內容,並在其發展過程中,展示了NSFW文化從邊緣走向主流的轉變。研究還關注平台機制對內容創作的深遠影響,並指出觀眾在觀看過程中展現出的後現代性特徵,尋求未知與驚喜,這種行為促進了新部落式虛擬社群的形成。

    The purpose of this study is to analyze the YouTube channel "NSFW"(《上班不要看NSFW》in Chinese), focusing on its cultural practices and the resonance created by both its creators and spectators. By adopting theories of subculture and neo-tribes, and utilizing textual analysis and in-depth interviews as research methods, this study aims to closely examine the representation of its creation context and cultural symbols. Due to its humorous and provocative content, the channel appeals to a large audience, transforming the NSFW culture from a marginalized niche into a mainstream presence on YouTube. Consequently, a virtual neo-tribal community has formed among its viewers.

    The study finds that, due to its unique production style and strategy, the channel successfully attracts significant attention. The sense of belonging among the audience and the interaction between content creators and viewers further empower personal subjectivity and collective identification. It is hoped that this study provides a new theoretical framework for understanding subcultural phenomena in the digital media environment. Additionally, for future academic research in cultural studies, it may offer new insights into exploring subculture and neo-tribal theories in the digital era.
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