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Title: | 辭掉奮力工作的自己:初探安靜離職者的類型與行為呈現 Quitting on Exceeding Expectations: Exploring Patterns and Manifestations of Quiet Quitting Behavior in the Workplace. |
Authors: | 周嘉萱 Chou, Chia-Hsuan |
Contributors: | 林姿葶 周嘉萱 Chou, Chia-Hsuan |
Keywords: | 安靜離職 個案研究 深度訪談法 Quiet Quitting Case study In-depth interviews |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-09-04 16:06:44 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 安靜離職指的是員工在工作時僅執行必要的職責,缺乏熱忱或努力且不同意參與額外的工作,安靜離職現象在近兩年興起,然而目前對於此一現象的定義與概念尚未有學術上的定論。因此,本研究以初探的形式對於安靜離職現象進行探討,透過文獻回顧探討安靜離職與過去既有概念的關係與定位,亦透過質性研究訪談的方式了解安靜離職的類型與行為呈現。最終本研究招募了17位受訪者進行訪談,並針對安靜離職的前因、類型及行為呈現三大面向進行結果分析。首先在安靜離職的前因方面,本研究提出安靜離職的推拉力模型,認為員工受到來自於工作或外在因素的推力與拉力影響,並形成安靜離職狀態。再者,本研究發現,根據面臨到的推力或拉力不同,員工會形成不同的安靜離職類型,這些類型包含「人在曹營」、「苟且偷安」以及「騎驢找馬」。此外,本研究亦發現安靜離職的具體行為會呈現在「職涯」、「工時」、「偷閒」、「工作量管理」、「工作品質」五個面向上,並分別論述各面向的內容與意涵。最後,本研究也根據上述結果進行討論,並說明本研究對於未來研究與實務工作的貢獻。 Quiet quitting has emerged as a prevalent phenomenon in recent years, characterized by employees fulfilling their minimum job obligations without demonstrating enthusiasm or effort and declining to engage in extra-curricular work. Despite its growing recognition, there is a lack of scholarly consensus on the definition and conceptualization of quiet quitting. This study adopts an exploratory approach to examine quiet quitting by exploring its relationship and positioning with existing concepts and employing qualitative interviews to understand its antecedents and behavioral manifestations. The study recruited 17 participants for interviews and analyzed the results based on two dimensions: (1) types, (2) behavioral manifestations of quiet quitting. Firstly, this study proposes a push-pull model of quiet quitting . It posits that employees experience push and pull forces from their job or external environment, which contribute to the formation of a quiet quitting state. Furthermore, this study found that employees develop different types of quiet quitting based on the push or pull forces they encounter. These types include "Being absent-minded", "Lying-Flat", and "Looking for Greener Pastures." Additionally, this study found that specific behaviors of quiet quitting manifest across five dimensions: career, working hours, idleness, workload management, and work quality. The study further discusses the characteristics and content of each of these dimensions. Finally, the study discusses the implications of these findings and outlines the contributions to future research and practical applications. |
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