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    Title: 邁向自由工作者之路-以一個自我協調的觀點
    The Road to the Freelancer - A Self-Concordance Perspective
    Authors: 楊美荷
    Yang, Mei-He
    Contributors: 郭建志
    Kuo, Chien-Chih
    Yang, Mei-He
    Keywords: 自由工作者
    Career Choice
    Self-concordance Theory
    In-depth Interview
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 16:06:31 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著科技的發展、經濟產業結構的轉變以及個人職涯觀的多樣化,各國自由工作者的比例正在急遽上升當中,然而,我們對於自由工作者職涯的形成,還有許多模糊不清之處。目前,尚且缺乏從個人的角度切入,探討自由工作者的職涯選擇動機以及轉變歷程。為了補足上述缺口,本研究爬梳自由工作者之演變,提出一個自由工作者定義,並確立自由工作者之三大特性。接著,引進自我協調理論,透過心理學的觀點,對個人內在心理歷程與外在行為進行詮釋。為了更深入的探究個人邁向自由工作者之契機、心理機制、轉換歷程與結果,本研究將採取質性研究中半結構化的深度訪談法。依照立意取樣,選取不同職業類別之16位自由工作者進行深度訪談,並以模板式分析法,系統性地將資料進行整理分類。最後,本文提出一個邁向自由工作者之動態歷程,主張個人邁向自由工作會經歷三個階段,包含:職涯協調不足期、自我協調探索期,以及自我協調釐定期。而該歷程擁有動態性的特色,為了成為自由工作者,我們在當中需要展現無數的心理調適與行動,而這些轉換都是個體希望能更靠近自我所嚮往的協調狀態。因此,釐清自我協調是否滿足,便是個人邁向自由工作者之路的重要衡量依據。
    With the advancement of technology, the transformation of economical and industrial structures, and the diversification of personal careers, the proportion of freelancers has been rapidly rising in multiple countries. However, there are still much remain unknown about the career of freelancers. To date, there is a lack of exploration into the motivation and transformation processes of freelancers’ career choices from a personal perspective. In order to bridge this gap, this study reviewed the evolution of freelancer, proposed a definition of freelancer that establishes the three major characteristics of freelancer. Next, we introduced the self-concordance theory to interpret the individual's inner psychological processes and external behaviors from the psychological perspective. In order to explore more deeply the opportunities, psychological mechanism, processes and results of transformation, this study adopted an in-depth interview method and selected 16 freelancers from different occupational categories according to purposive sampling. We systematically organized and classified the data using template analysis to further confirm the proposition of this study. Ultimately, this study delineates a dynamic trajectory toward becoming a freelancer, positing that individuals undergo three phases: an epoch of deficient career-concordance, a phase of self-concordance exploration, and a period of self-concordance determination. This trajectory is characterized by its dynamic nature; to become a freelancer, individuals must undergo myriad psychological adjustments and actions, aimed at approximating the desired state of self-concordance. Consequently, ascertaining whether one's self-concordance is satisfactory constitutes a pivotal foundation for embarking on a freelance vocation.
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