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    Title: 威權繼承政黨與轉型正義工程
    Authoritarian Successor Parties and Transitional Justice Measures
    Authors: 王翊帆
    Wang, I-Fan
    Contributors: 蘇彥斌
    Su, Yen-Pin
    Wang, I-Fan
    Keywords: 威權繼承政黨
    Authoritarian successor parties
    Transitional justice
    Democratic transitions
    Authoritarian legacies
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 16:00:16 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 為什麼有些後威權時期的國家會選擇特定的轉型正義政策?既有研究已提出政權變革類型、司法能力和經濟發展等解釋觀點,但少有研究從威權繼承政黨的角度切入,探討轉型正義的政策選擇。雖然既有的描述性研究,曾指出威權繼承政黨有可能阻擋轉型正義,卻尚未有跨國的量化實證研究探討威權繼承政黨如何影響轉型正義政策。為了補充既有文獻的缺口,本文透過大樣本實證分析以及台灣和捷克的案例研究,分析威權繼承政黨的政治實力如何影響不同類別的轉型正義措施。本研究主張,當一國的威權繼承政黨在民主化時期愈有政治實力,則該國較不會實施課責程度較高的轉型正義政策。本文的實證分析顯示,當一國的威權繼承政黨有愈好的選舉表現,則該國施行整肅(purge)與除垢(lustration)政策的可能性愈低、刑事起訴(prosecution)的案件量也會減少;其次,本研究亦發現,威權繼承政黨的選舉表現與真相調查委員會(truth commission)的成立,並未達統計上顯著的關係。本文的研究結果有助於將威權繼承政黨與轉型正義的關係理論化。具體而言,雖然一國選擇的轉型正義途徑,往往與其威權繼承政黨的政治實力強弱有密切關聯,但不同類型的轉型正義措施,會受到不同程度的影響。
    Why do post-authoritarian democracies adopt different transitional justice (TJ) measures? The current literature has proposed various explanations, such as regime change events, judicial capacity, and economic development. However, the perspective of authoritarian legacies has rarely been explored. Descriptive studies have pointed out that authoritarian successor parties can impede transitional justice processes. Although this is a reasonable assertion, it lacks systematic empirical evidence. To address this gap in the current transitional justice literature, I conduct large-N quantitative analyses and conduct case studies of Taiwan and Czechia to analyze how authoritarian successor parties shape various TJ measures. I argue that, when authoritarian successors have strong political power after democratization, countries are less likely to adopt transitional justice measures that call for more political accountability. Specifically, the empirical evidence suggests that when the authoritarian successor parties have higher electoral support, purges and lustrations are less likely to be implemented, and criminal prosecutions occur less frequently. However, the same relationship is not found with truth commissions, demonstrating that this particular transitional justice measure might not be largely associated with the political strength of authoritarian successor parties. This study contributes to the literature by identifying authoritarian successor parties as key aspects of authoritarian legacy that impact a country’s efforts to deal with the past.
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