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    Title: 立委選舉中的議題效果:聯合調查實驗的應用
    Issue Effects in Legislative Elections: Evidence from a Conjoint Survey Experiment
    Authors: 徐東宏
    Hsu, Tung-Hung
    Contributors: 黃紀
    Huang, Chi
    Hsu, Tung-Hung
    Keywords: 聯合調查實驗
    conjoint survey experiment
    causal inference
    legislative elections
    spatial voting
    rational choice theory
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 15:59:18 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 過往有關空間投票的理論中,研究者認為選民會以自身偏好的政策方向作為基礎,並據此支持與其理想政策位置或方向最相近的候選人。政黨與政治人物也會根據選民的此一傾向選擇自身的政策立場,以追求選票的最大化。不過現實世界中影響選民投票的因素眾多,我們又要如何確定候選人根據特定議題提出政策真的會在吸引選票上有其效用呢?透過網路調查與成對聯合調查實驗的方式,本文建立了假想的立委候選人公報,以候選人在特定議題的態度作為主要自變數,並在這之中同時納入了候選人容貌、性別、年齡、教育、經歷、黨籍等屬性,試圖理解在多維選擇的局面下,候選人的議題立場是否會影響選民的投票偏好。本文同時也將選民基於人口變數分為各類次群體(subgroup),以理解這些特定的受訪者特徵會如何影響候選人的議題立場與選民投票行為的因果關係。
    According to spatial theory of voting, voters support candidates whose policy positions align closely with their ideal points. Political parties and politicians also choose their policy stances based on this voter inclination, aiming to maximize their electoral appeal. However, in the real world, numerous factors influence voter behavior. How can we determine whether a candidate’s policy proposals truly attract votes based on specific issues? Through an online choice-based conjoint survey experiment, this study simulates official election gazette and constructs hypothetical profiles for a legislative election. The candidate’s stance on specific issues serves as the primary independent variable, while additional attributes such as appearance, gender, age, education, experience, and party affiliation are also considered. The goal is to understand whether a candidate’s issue positions influence voter preferences in a multidimensional electoral context. Additionally, the study conducts subgroup analysis to examine if and how specific respondent characteristics impact the causal relationship between a candidate’s issue positions and voter choice.
    This study found that respondents had clear preferences for cross-strait policy views and gender-related policy views, but not for livelihood and labor-related policy views. Additionally, participants exhibited specific preferences for party labels, candidate appearance, gender, age, education level, and occupation. In subgroup analysis, this study discovered that preferences for cross-strait policy views varied significantly based on party identification, while livelihood political views showed no significant differences. Preferences for livelihood and labor political views did not vary by social class, but gender-related political views did, regardless of the participant’s own gender. These findings not only validate the impact of spatial voting in Taiwan’s legislative elections but also provide insights for candidate campaign strategies and image packaging.
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