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    Title: 轉型正義議題調查中的敏感性:透過列項實驗分析
    Sensitivity in Transitional Justice Surveys: Analyzing Through List Experiments
    Authors: 李宜陵
    Li, Yi-Ling
    Contributors: 蘇彥斌
    Su, Yen-Pin
    Li, Yi-Ling
    Keywords: 民意調查
    Transitional Justice
    Public Opinion Survey
    Sensitive Issues
    Social Desirability Bias
    List Experiments
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 15:58:30 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 社會期望偏誤對於調查研究的正確性有重大影響,尤其在詢問敏感性問題時尤為顯著。轉型正義作為台灣社會中的重要政治議題,因涉及歷史、族群與政治立場的複雜性,常引發社會期望偏誤。本研究透過網路問卷調查方式收集數據,並採用列項實驗法探討台灣轉型正義議題中的社會期望偏誤,並探究不同個人特徵(如族群身分、國家認同、政黨認同、民主價值與年齡)如何影響這些偏誤。本文的實證分析結果顯示,轉型正義議題中普遍存在社會期望偏誤,且不同議題之偏誤程度有所差異,而個人特徵以及態度會型塑這些偏誤。本研究實證分析顯示,就問卷中「真相調查」和「除去符號」的問題而言,可以發現列項實驗法與直接問題法所得的結果存在顯著差異,顯示受訪者在回答相關問題時受到社會期望偏誤影響。此外,我們發現受訪者的族群身分和政黨認同,會顯著影響社會期望偏誤的大小。整體而言,本研究驗證了過去研究中對於敏感性問題的假設,而本研究同時也對未來的研究和政策制定具有重要意涵。特別是,本研究指出在設計涉及轉型正義的民意調查時,需要考慮社會期望偏誤的存在;而在解讀與分析時,也得要考量不同社會群體之間的認知和態度如何影響社會期望偏誤。
    Social desirability bias might have important impacts on the accuracy of survey research, especially for the surveys that include sensitive questions. Survey questions about transitional justice, a key issue in Taiwanese society due to its complexity involving history, ethnicity, and politics, often involve social desirability bias. Using an online survey, this study employs the list experiment technique to examine social desirability bias in issues regarding transitional justice in Taiwan. This study also analyzes how these biases are affected by personal characteristics, such as ethnic identity, national identity, political affiliation, and democratic values. The empirical results of this study show that responses to survey questions about truth investigation and symbol removal suggest social desirability bias. Additionally, this study finds social desirability biases can be explained by the respondents' group features and party identification. Overall, this study tests the hypotheses about sensitive survey questions that can be found in the previous literature, and it provides important implications for future research and policy making. In particular, this study posits that it is necessary to consider issues of social desirability biases when designing surveys about transitional justice. Moreover, it is also crucial to analyze how social desirability bias is shaped by individuals' perceptions and attitudes.
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