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Title: | 國家、官僚、助人者─社會救助工作者的救助方法與影響因素 The State, Bureaucracy, and Street-Level Bureaucrats: Examining Social Assistance Methods and Influencing Factors in Taiwan |
Authors: | 廖偉迪 LIAO, WEI-TI |
Contributors: | 蔡培元 廖偉迪 LIAO, WEI-TI |
Keywords: | 社會救助 低收入戶 基層官僚理論 情緒 混合研究 Social assistance Low-income households Street-Level Bureaucracy Theory Emotions Mixed-methods research |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-09-04 15:49:19 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 社會救助是整個社會保障體系中最後一個安全網,而維繫著福利身分與生活扶助的低收資格的審查准駁與社會救助福利服務之提供,是由村里幹事、鄉鎮市區公所社會救助業務承辦人、地方政府社會局處的社會工作員/師、社會行政人員等社會救助工作人員,從鄉市鎮區公所、社會福利服務中心/家庭福利服務中心至社會局處,跨機關多方協力的結果。 截至目前為止,我國既有社會救助相關研究多係探討社會救助法制中資格審查標準之公平性與合理性,而針對社會救助工作人員的經驗性研究,多數僅針對單一縣市以及單一工作角色之研究,並以質性方法側重於探討裁量過程,本研究立基於此,以基層官僚理論、新公共管理與基模理論作為理論視角,採取混合研究方法中的解釋性序列研究設計,以有一年以上社會救助低收入戶資格審查工作經驗的現職社會救助工作者作為研究對象,透過網路調查方式共回收全臺427份有效問卷,從中以立意抽樣完成9位社會救助工作者之半結構式深度訪談,並透過解釋性現象學之分析視角,藉由量化與質性資料建立社會救助工作者提供社會救助方法之內涵與影響因素之模型。 本研究檢視社會救助制度、組織環境以及社會救助工作者所提供的救助方法,指出現行制度在政治上遵守國家財政量入為出原則,在照顧倫理上奉行家庭親屬照顧優先原則,同時依照工作倫理就業導向原則,區別個案是否值得獲取政府資源;並透過質性訪談指出現行社會救助制度在面對多元個案以及複雜社會情境的僵固限制,有「裁量權使用與資格審查不穩定性」、「審查標準嚴苛且不近人情」以及「制度的設計系統性排除近貧者」等議題。組織環境的檢視發現社會局處科別之間、社會局處與鄉鎮市區公所之間存在合作上的溝通挑戰,同時也發現高階常任文官、同儕支持與主管的領導風格以及民選首長與代議士等地方政治人物對於資格審查過程有重要的影響。對於社會救助方法之內涵,本文共建構出4種資格審查行為、9種社會救助服務,並創造社會救助服務多元性之變項,逐一透過獨立樣本t檢定、皮爾森積差相關、單因子變異數分析與階層迴歸分析進行統計檢定。 研究發現就資格審查行為而言,受試者普遍認同他們會主動協助民眾提出申請,但較不傾向於運用社會救助法539條款排除列計人口,而在各項審查行為的階層多元迴歸中,裁量權與正向情緒因素對於多數的資格審查行為達到顯著;社會救助服務多元性之階層迴歸分析顯示,顯著之自變項包括清查案案量、地理區域、職業角色、審查模式、服務機關、正向情緒與裁量權,對於社會救助工作者服務多元性變異的整體解釋力為48.6%,且情緒因素為整個模型中最重要之影響因素。就地理區域而言,低扶助率與低社會救助支出的縣市更傾向於提供多元的社會救助服務;而在不同的工作角色來說,研究發現村里幹事的訪視品質需要被重視與檢視、相較於其他工作角色,社會工作者的特殊性在於提供較為多元的社會救助方法,並將「案主最佳利益」和「家庭功能促進為基礎」作為服務提供的理念。本文據此對於社會救助政策、組織環境、社會救助工作者的教育訓練與未來研究方向提出建議。 本研究在實務與理論上均有貢獻,相對於過往研究主要針對單一縣市或單一工作角色進行探討,本研究所採用之混合研究方法,整合量化與質化資料,蒐集全國性與跨職業身份之樣本,得以進行跨地理區域、跨職業身份的比較探討。在理論貢獻上,本研究藉由跨理論的整合,提供了一個更為全面的視角來理解社會救助實務的複雜性,循徑由基模理論縫補了基層官僚理論與新公共管理視角中,預設政府組織中基層官僚均為理性行為之預設,由實證資料驗證情緒因素對於裁量權與社會救助服務的影響,展現出基層官僚的情緒與認知和行為的連結;由於情緒的影響,使得基層官僚在資格審查與社會救助服務提供的行政行為有著順從、修改或抵抗國家體制與社會救助政策原本的設計等不同的回應方式,從而更深的理解基層官僚作為國家代理人與助人者,在科層體制與行政管理之中的應對機轉,並點出情緒因素對於社會救助實務的重要影響。 在研究限制上,本研究為橫斷式研究,相關發現僅能顯示出變項間的相關性,無法進行因果推論,同時因樣本選擇和問卷設計之限制,本研究之結果並無法代表所有社會救助工作者的觀點。 Social assistance serves as the final safety net within the broader social security system. The eligibility review process for low-income status, which determines welfare benefits and social assistance services, is a collaborative effort involving village officers, township social assistance staff, social workers, social administrators in local government social affairs departments, and other social assistance personnel. This multi-agency cooperation extends from township offices and social welfare service centers to family welfare service centers and social affairs departments. To date, most existing research on social assistance in Taiwan has focused on the fairness and reasonableness of eligibility criteria within the legal framework. Empirical studies on social assistance personnel have largely been limited to single municipalities and specific roles, primarily utilizing qualitative methods to explore the discretion process. Building on this foundation, this study adopts Street-Level Bureaucracy Theory, New Public Management, and Schema Theory as its theoretical perspectives, employing an explanatory sequential design within a mixed-methods approach. The study targets current social assistance workers with more than one year of experience in low-income eligibility assessments. A total of 427 valid responses were collected through an online survey across Taiwan, followed by semi-structured in-depth interviews with nine purposefully sampled social assistance workers. Through the lens of interpretative phenomenological analysis, the study integrates quantitative and qualitative data to develop a model that outlines the content and influencing factors of the methods employed by social assistance workers in providing social assistance. This study examines the social assistance system, organizational environment, and the methods employed by social assistance workers. It highlights that the current system politically adheres to the principle of fiscal prudence, ethically prioritizes family care, and follows an employment-oriented work ethic to distinguish whether a case is worthy of receiving government resources. Through qualitative interviews, the study identifies the rigid limitations of the current social assistance system in addressing diverse cases and complex social situations, raising issues such as "instability in the use of discretion and eligibility reviews," "strict and inhumane review standards," and the "systematic exclusion of near-poor individuals." The examination of the organizational environment reveals communication challenges in collaboration between departments within social welfare offices and between social welfare offices and township offices. It also finds that senior permanent civil servants, peer support, supervisors' leadership styles, and the influence of locally elected officials and legislators significantly impact the eligibility review process. Regarding the methods of social assistance, the study identifies four types of eligibility review behaviors and nine types of social assistance services, introducing a variable for service diversity. These were statistically tested using independent samples t-tests, Pearson correlation, one-way ANOVA, and hierarchical regression analysis. For eligibility review behaviors, respondents generally agreed on proactively assisting the public in applying but were less inclined to use Article 5, Paragraph 3, Subparagraph 9 of the Social Assistance Act to exclude listed populations. In the hierarchical regression analysis of various review behaviors, discretion and positive emotional factors significantly influenced most eligibility review behaviors. The hierarchical regression analysis of social assistance service diversity revealed significant independent variables, including case workload, geographic region, occupational role, review model, service agency, positive emotions, and discretion, with an overall explanatory power of 48.6% for service diversity. The study also finds that regions with lower assistance rates and lower social assistance expenditures are more likely to offer a diverse range of social assistance services. Emotional factors emerged as the most critical influencing factor in the model. The study further reveals that the quality of visits conducted by village officers requires greater attention and scrutiny. Compared to other roles, social workers are distinguished by their ability to provide more diverse social assistance methods, emphasizing "the best interests of the client" and "family function promotion" as foundational principles of service provision. Based on these findings, the study offers recommendations for social assistance policies, organizational environments, social assistance worker training, and future research directions. This research contributes both practically and theoretically. Unlike previous studies that focused on single municipalities or specific job roles, this study employs a mixed-methods approach that integrates quantitative and qualitative data, collecting national and cross-occupational samples, enabling cross-regional and cross-occupational comparisons. Theoretically, this study provides a more comprehensive perspective on the complexities of social assistance practice by integrating multiple theories. It bridges gaps in Street-Level Bureaucracy Theory and New Public Management by incorporating Schema Theory, which challenges the assumption that grassroots bureaucrats in government organizations always act rationally. Empirical data demonstrate the impact of emotional factors on discretion and social assistance services, revealing the link between grassroots bureaucrats' emotions, cognition, and behavior. The influence of emotions leads to different responses, such as compliance, modification, or resistance to the original design of state systems and social assistance policies. This deepens our understanding of how grassroots bureaucrats, as agents of the state and helpers, navigate the mechanisms within bureaucratic systems and administrative management, and highlights the significant impact of emotional factors on social assistance practice. The study's limitations include its cross-sectional design, which only reveals correlations between variables without inferring causality. Additionally, due to sample selection and questionnaire design constraints, the results may not be generalizable to all social assistance workers. |
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