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    Title: 線上虛擬桌遊融入華語實體課堂教學活動設計 —以《時代華語第一冊》為例
    Classroom Activities Design of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language in courses in Person with Online Virtual Tabletop —The Case-based of Modern Chinese Book Ⅰ
    Authors: 吳宜倫
    Wu, Yi-Lun
    Contributors: 舒兆民
    Wu, Yi-Lun
    Keywords: 多媒體輔助華語教學
    Multimedia Computer Assisted Instruction (MCAI) of teaching Chinese as a Second Language
    Online virtual tabletop
    Formulaic Patterns Teaching
    Situational Language Teaching (SLT)
    Classroom activities design
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 15:48:59 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著華語教學多元發展,華語教學課堂趨向「以學習者為中心」,華語教師依據學習者的組成與需求,必需使用多種的教學技巧和策略。就成人華語文教學而言,遊戲雖然並非主要活動,仍受到多數教師正向肯定,語文遊戲活動在教學過程中,無論之於教師或學習者都是有助益的,桌遊融入各科目教育與語言相關研究更是相當普遍。
    後疫情時代,應用各種數位多媒體融入教學的「混成學習」(Blended learning)已然成為一種常態。本研究即是運用Playingcards.io作為多媒體輔助教學工具,一個模擬真實桌遊介面使用的線上虛擬桌遊(virtual tabletop)平台,同時也是一個能夠「實體與線上混成」共同操作的桌遊,融入華語實體課堂教學活動中,目的透過教學過程觀察線上虛擬桌遊作為實體課堂教學工具的適用性,學習者學習動機與學習表現,以及觀課教師與專業人員的看法與建議,了解後續桌遊設計優化的方向與發展。
    教學設計採用「定式教學法」(Formulaic Patterns Teaching)與「情景教學法」(Situational Language Teaching)為教學策略,配合教學設計模式BOPPPS,依照《時代華語》第一冊之指定單元教學目標與主題做情景延伸,將情景營造作為桌遊的主題背景,透過重要詞彙與定式的擷取,完成實體課堂教學活動設計。歷經為期約一年,以研究者所屬某大學華語中心初級班學生為研究對象,共五次桌遊教學實施、反思、再修正,透過觀察教學錄像、學習者與華語教師訪談、學習者問卷等資料蒐集的方法,然後進行分析。
    研究結果顯示,虛擬桌遊作為多媒體輔助教學工具兼具「便捷性」與「行動學習」的特點,又可輕鬆營造情景融入課室活動,普遍受到學習者正面態度。學生藉由不斷進行定式練習,能夠輸出完整句式,最終掌握詞彙、句式(Formulaic sequences),甚至是構式篇章(Construction),達到語言學習之交際能力。本研究同時指出多媒體輔助教學工具應用教學策略,所面臨的限制與檢討,亦給予未來相關研究發展建議。
    With the diversified development of teaching Chinese as a second language, it tends to be "Learner-centered" in teaching Chinese as a second language class. Chinese teachers must use a variety of teaching techniques and strategies according to the composition and needs of learners. As far as teaching Chinese as a second language of adults is concerned, although games are not main activities, most teachers still positively affirm that Chinese game activities are beneficial to both teachers and learners in the teaching process. Especially board games are integrated into the education of various subjects and language-related research is quite common.
    In the post-epidemic era, "Blended learning", which uses various digital multimedia to integrate teaching, has become a new normal. This study uses Playingcards.io as multimedia assisted instruction, an online virtual tabletop platform that simulates the interface of a real board game, and is also a board game that can be "hybridized with in person and online classes". Online virtual tabletop of Playingcards.io integrated into Teaching Chinese as a Second Language activities, during the process, try to observe the applicability of online virtual tabletop as a teaching tool, and the effect on learners' learning motivation and learning performance. With the opinions and suggestions of teachers and professionals who observe the class, try to understand the direction and development of subsequent online virtual tabletop of Playingcards.io design optimization.
    The teaching design adopts the "Formulaic Patterns Teaching" and "Situational Language Teaching" as the teaching strategy, cooperates with the teaching design model BOPPPS. Try to expand the situation according to the teaching objectives and themes of the specified unit in the first volume of "Modern Chinese", and uses the situation creation as the basis of the virtual tabletop. The theme background, through the extraction of important vocabulary and formulaic sequences, design a complete classroom teaching activity in courses in person. After a period of about one year, novice learners of the Chinese language center of a university where the researcher belongs were used as the oubjects of study. A total of five online virtual tabletop teaching journals, reflections, and revisions were conducted through observation of teaching videos, interviews between learners and Chinese language teachers, and questionnaires from learners. Wait for the method of data collection and then analyze it.
    Research results show that as multimedia assisted instruction, online virtual tabletop has the characteristics of "convenience" and "mobile learning". It also can easily create scenarios and integrate them into classroom activities, and are generally received positively by learners.Through continuous practicing, students can output complete sentence patterns and finally can master vocabulary, formulaic sequences, and even the degree of automation of constructional texts, to achieve the communicative ability of language learning. This study also points out the limitations and reviews faced by the application of multimedia assisted instruction with teaching strategies, and also provides suggestions for future related research and development.
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