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    Title: 台灣高齡者的喪偶經驗和社會參與
    Taiwanese Older Adults’ Widowhood Experience and Social Participation
    Authors: 曹馨云
    Cao, Sin-Yun
    Contributors: 陳人豪
    Chen, Jen-Hao
    Cao, Sin-Yun
    Keywords: 喪偶
    Social participation
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 15:13:46 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 喪偶作為一個重大的生命事件,對個人的社會參與可能帶來顯著影響,進而對喪偶後的社會支持和心理健康造成深遠的影響。然而,過去在社會學領域中,對於喪偶對社會參與的影響仍存在諸多爭議,學界對於其變化是增加、維持還是減少尚無共識。此外,這些主要在歐美發展的理論是否適用於解釋台灣高齡喪偶者社會參與的變化,目前仍是一個未解之謎。再者,針對喪偶是否會影響個人在不同社會參與面向上隨時間的變化,以及性別是否會有所影響,台灣的相關研究仍然不足。因此,本研究旨在台灣的背景下,探討喪偶與子女以及非親屬社會參與之間的關聯,檢視其是否符合既有理論,以及是否受到時間與性別的影響。為此,本研究採用台灣衛生福利部的『台灣中老年身心社會生活狀況長期追蹤調查』(The Taiwan Longitudinal Study on Aging, TLSA),利用隨機效應模型(Random Effects Model),分析自民國78年至民國104年追蹤的4,049名老年人的數據,研究他們的喪偶狀態及喪偶期間,對於子女和非親屬社會參與變化的影響。研究發現,台灣的資料較支持撤退理論,顯示喪偶者與非親屬和子女的互動隨時間逐漸減少,而性別和喪偶的交互作用則顯示,高齡喪偶女性與子女的互動減少幅度並不如男性那般嚴重。
    Widowhood, a significant life event, may have significant impacts on social participation, which in turn affects social support and psychological well-being after widow. However, debates remain regarding the impact of widowhood on social participation. No consensus in past research on whether the changes in social participation after widow increases, remains stable, or decreases. Moreover, it is uncertain that theories applicable in other countries can still explain the changes in social participation among elderly widows in Taiwan. Furthermore, few research in Taiwan discuss whether widowhood affects social participation in various dimensions over time and whether gender has role in. Therefore, this study aims to examine the change of widowhood on social participation with children and non-relatives in the context of Taiwan. Also, to see which theory can best explain Taiwan phenomenon and consider the influences of length of widowhood and gender. To address these questions, the study utilizes data from the Taiwan Longitudinal Study on Aging (TLSA) conducted by the Ministry of Health and Welfare in Taiwan. Employing a Random Effects Model to analyze data from 4,049 elderly individuals tracked from the year 1989 to 2015. Investigating the effects of widowhood and length of widowhood on changes in social participation with children and non-relatives. Results reveal that widowed elderly in Taiwan support disengagement theory, indicating that interactions between widows and non-relatives and between children both decrease over time after widowhood. However, the interaction between gender and the length of widowhood highlights that reduction in interaction with children among elderly widowed women is not as severe as that among men.
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