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    Title: Podcast廣告之內容分析:以財經Podcast《股癌》為例
    Content Analysis of Podcast Advertising: Take the Finance Podcast ";Gooaye";as an Example
    Authors: 洪玉潔
    Hung, Yu-Chieh
    Contributors: 李怡志
    Li, I-Chih
    Hung, Yu-Chieh
    Keywords: 財經Podcast
    Finance Podcast
    Podcast Ads
    Show Notes
    FCB grid
    Advertising Creative Strategy
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 15:05:40 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: Podcast廣告是聽的廣告,而聲音類型的廣告,具有說服力,因此Podcast廣告又被稱作是「廣告商的美夢(An Advertiser’s Dream)」,且研究指出廣告若是由Podcast主持人親口說出、出現於正式節目前之效果最為理想;除了口述廣告之外,節目筆記(Show Notes)裡的「導購文字」更提升了聲音廣告的轉換率,導購文字包含廣告產品介紹、購買連結、優惠資訊等等內容,因此節目筆記被許多業者視為達成行銷目標的方法,讓聲音廣告更方便導購。
    過往Podcast廣告之研究多以關心主持人與閱聽者之間的關係、亦或是聽者對於廣告的態度,缺乏Podcast口播廣告與節目筆記的討論。因此本研究著重於Podcast的廣告創意策略,並以長居Apple Podcast排行榜台灣第一名之財經Podcast《股癌》作為本研究標的,試圖解釋不同產品類型以及呈現於不同媒介類型之廣告創意策略是否存在差異。
    Podcast advertisements are audio ads, and this type of advertisement is persuasive. Therefore, Podcast ads are also referred to as "An Advertiser’s Dream". Research indicates that ads voiced by the Podcaster and placed before the official start of the show are the most effective. Besides spoken advertisements, "guiding texts" in show notes further enhance the conversion rate of audio ads. These guiding texts include product descriptions, purchase links, discount information, and more. Thus, many businesses consider Show Notes a method to achieve marketing goals, making audio ads more convenient for driving purchases.
    Research on Podcasts advertisements primarily focuses on the relationship between hosts and listeners or listeners' attitudes towards ads. Hence, this study will analyze the advertising content and creative strategies of Podcasts, using the top-ranking finance Podcasts "Gooaye" as the research subject. The goal is to understand whether there are differences in creative strategies for different product types and across different media types.
    The study analyzed 363 episodes of "Gooaye," using coding and cluster analysis to categorize ads by multiple dimensions. It found that Podcast ads often try to use emotional appeals, particularly for "high involvement/emotional" products, highlighting the "emotional value of the product." Host-Read Ads and Show Notes consistently reveal discounts and promotions, aiming to convert listeners into consumers. Different product types, such as games and financial products, emphasize quality in Host-Read Ads, while skincare and food items are discussed in terms of quality in show notes. Host-Read Ads also focus on the product's "unique and updated features," aligning with listeners' desire for new knowledge. These insights offer practical advice for enhancing Podcast Ads effectiveness.
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