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Title: | 宗教媒介化與迷因——以內容分析法探討Instagram「truetruefunny」、「meme_of_church」粉專的基督教迷因 Mediatization of Religion through Memes: A Content Analysis of Christian Memes on Instagram Pages “truetruefunny”and “meme_of_church” |
Authors: | 王曉帖 |
Contributors: | 韓義興 王曉帖 |
Keywords: | 宗教媒介化 迷因 聯想主題分析 心理抗拒理論 內容分析 religious mediatization memes fantasy theme analysis psychological reactance theory content analysis |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-09-04 15:04:04 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著網路科技的進步,社群媒體被廣泛使用,基督教也進入了網路世界,透過新媒體和社群媒體平台來傳播其宗教價值觀及教義內容,達成善用媒體實踐信仰傳播的目標。台灣的基督教教會紛紛投入資源與人力至社群媒體經營上,以跟上年輕世代基督徒的步伐。社群媒體上的基督教粉絲專頁,如Facebook、Instagram,推出的內容多元,其中有一種特立獨行的內容看似與基督教形象格格不入,但卻大受年輕世代基督徒歡迎,即基督教的迷因化貼文。這類型的貼文與一般提供正面訊息的基督教內容貼文不同,主要透過迷因形式,結合文字來表達基督徒一些真實的日常狀態、諷刺教會文化、或惡搞聖經內容等。因此,本研究透過宗教媒介視角,並以聯想主題分析及心理抗拒理論為研究取徑,探討基督教迷因內容如何影響基督徒閱聽眾。台灣目前尚未有以宗教媒介化作為理論基礎研究基督教迷因的研究,相關文獻亦不多。本研究利用內容分析法,對「truetruefunny」及「meme_of_church」兩個基督教迷因粉專的迷因貼文進行分析,探討此類迷因貼文的具體呈現形式與主題。 本研究結果發現,基督教迷因貼文多以靜態圖片呈現,素材來源多樣,文案以簡短為主,並廣泛使用#hashtag。此兩者粉專的聯想主題以「教會文化、生活」和「基督徒個人靈命」為主,「惡趣味」主題在按讚數上表現最佳,而「教會文化、生活」主題則在留言數上表現最佳。基督教迷因粉專如「truetruefunny」和「meme_of_church」透過幽默和諷刺的方式,在社群媒體上傳播信仰信息,成功引起年輕世代共鳴,並顯示出取代傳統宗教傳播方式的潛力,透過迷因此媒介展示了宗教媒介化理論中的「遷就」、「延伸」、「取代」和「交融」特性。最後,本研究也探討了基督教迷因聯想主題與閱聽眾心理抗拒之關聯性。不同聯想主題在減緩心理抗拒方面效果顯著,其中「基督教教義」和「公共議題」在多方面效果顯著,顯示出基督教迷因在減少心理抵抗和提升互動性方面具有潛力。 With the advancement of internet technology, social media has become widely used, and Christianity has also entered the online world. By utilizing new media and social media platforms, it aims to propagate its religious values and doctrines, achieving the goal of effectively spreading faith through media. Churches in Taiwan have invested resources and manpower into social media management to keep up with the pace of younger generations of Christians. Christian fan pages on social media, such as Facebook and Instagram, offer diverse content. Among these, a unique type of content that seems to contradict the typical Christian image but is highly popular among young Christians is Christian meme posts. Unlike typical Christian content posts that provide positive messages, these meme posts primarily use meme formats, combining images and text to express Christians' real daily states, satirize church culture, or parody biblical content. This study adopts the perspective of religious mediatization and employs associative theme analysis and psychological reactance theory as research approaches to explore how Christian meme content affects Christian audiences. Currently, there is a lack of studies in Taiwan that use religious mediatization theory as a basis to examine Christian memes, and related literature is scarce. This study employs content analysis to examine the meme posts of two Christian meme fan pages, "truetruefunny" and "meme_of_church," analyzing the specific forms and themes of these meme posts. The study results reveal that Christian meme posts mainly consist of static images, have diverse sources, and feature short text, often using #hashtags extensively. The fantasy themes of these two fan pages primarily include "Church Culture and Life" and "Personal Spiritual Growth," with "Dark Humor" themes performing best in terms of likes, while "Church Culture and Life" themes excel in comment counts. Christian meme fan pages like "truetruefunny" and "meme_of_church" use humor and satire to convey faith messages on social media, successfully resonating with younger generations and demonstrating the potential to replace traditional religious communication methods. These memes exemplify the characteristics of "accommodation," "extension," "replacement," and "fusion" in religious mediatization theory. Lastly, this study also explores the relationship between Christian meme fantasy themes and audience psychological reactance. Different fantasy themes significantly reduce psychological reactance, with "Christian Norms" and "Public Issues" showing significant effects in various aspects, indicating the potential of Christian memes to reduce psychological resistance and enhance interaction. |
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