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    Title: 《困獸日記》創作論述
    Production Notes on “Looped: A Diary Film Dilemma”
    Authors: 盛華婕
    Sheng, Hua-Jie
    Contributors: 吳俊輝
    Wu, Chun-Hui
    Sheng, Hua-Jie
    Keywords: 日常
    Diary film
    Experimental film
    Creativity anxiety
    Mixed media
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 15:03:28 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 《困獸日記》是一部記錄「我」之日常的女性日記電影,融合多元的實驗電影手法,通過自我剖析與對話,呈現日記作者如何調試在攝製這部日記電影過程中面臨的身心壓力和創作焦慮。使用手機、底片相機、超八釐米攝影機、VR攝影機等器材,採日記體和套層結構,通過剪輯重組拼接,試圖從混合媒材實驗中探索影像與聲音如何傳遞情緒波動與自我省思。經由日常拍攝的素材和日記呢喃的旁白,描刻一段女性自我書寫的日記電影創作之旅。
    Looped: A Diary Film Dilemma is a female diary film that documents my daily life using a diversity of experimental film techniques. Through self-analysis and dialogue, it explores how the author copes with the physical and mental pressures and creativity anxieties she encounters during the process of making this diary film. Using tools such as smartphones, still film cameras, a Super 8 mm camera and a VR camera, the film adopts a diary format and a layered structure. It aims to explore how mixed media experimentation with image and sound conveys emotional fluctuations and self-reflection through recombination and montage. Using daily footage and diary whispers as narration, the film portrays a journey of female self-writing in the making of this diary film.
    The essay is divided into six chapters. The first three chapters discuss the origins and paradigmatic analysis of the project, detailing its motivation and purpose, reviewing relevant literature and films, and explaining the content structure and stylistic form of the work. The fourth chapter provides an overview of the production process and post-production work. The fifth chapter presents a comprehensive analysis of post-screening feedback and reflections. The sixth chapter offers a critique and conclusion of this diary film.
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