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    Title: 仲裁判斷救濟方式之探討-以我國與瑞士法之比較為中心
    A Study of the Post-Award Challenges of Arbitration - A Comparative Study of R.O.C and Swiss Law
    Authors: 羅芸祁
    Lo, Yun-Chi
    Contributors: 顏玉明
    Yan, Anna
    Lo, Yun-Chi
    Keywords: 仲裁法
    Arbitration Law
    Swiss Private International Law(PILA)
    Bundesgesetz über das Internationale Privatrecht(IPRG)
    Swiss Civil Procedure Code(CPC)
    Schweizerische Zivilprozessordnung(Zivilprozessordnung, ZPO)
    International Arbitration
    Arbitration System
    The Swiss arbitration law system
    Arbitration Agreement
    Arbitral Award
    Grounds for Annulment of Arbitral Award
    Review of Arbitral Award(Revision)
    Waiver of the Right to Seek Annulment of Arbitral Award Remedies(Verzicht auf Rechtsmittel)
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 14:52:13 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 仲裁作為紛爭解決機制,有使當事人能迅速有效解決當事人間之紛爭的優點,仲裁人依據當事人訂定之仲裁協議,經過仲裁程序之審理,最終作成與法院所作之確定判決具有相同效力之仲裁判斷以解決當事人間之紛爭、確定當事人間之權利義務關係。同於法院判決,仲裁判斷對於仲裁程序當事人具有既判力,然仲裁程序究與一般訴訟程序不同,審理之密度亦不同,自應賦予當事人就仲裁判斷向國家司法機關提起救濟之權利,以完善保障當事人之權利。

    我國於民國50 年制定「商務仲裁條例」,經民國71年及民國75 年兩次修正後,又於民國87 年參考1985年聯合國國際貿易委員會頒布之「國際商務仲裁模範法」(UNCITRAL Model Law)進行大規模修訂,最後於民國87 年5 月通過,並更名為「仲裁法」,嗣我國仲裁法雖經幾次修正,均無重大調整,惟隨國際商業貿易之發展,我國仲裁法之規定可能已不符國際仲裁法規之潮流,而有參考其他國家仲裁法規制定之必要。

    我國仲裁法對於仲裁判斷之救濟方式僅有「撤銷仲裁判斷」、「更正仲裁判斷」二種途徑,我國仲裁法第 40 條明文規定得提起撤銷仲裁判斷之法定事由共計 11 款,當事人得基於仲裁判斷之作成程序有瑕疵、仲裁協議無效等事由,向管轄法院聲請撤銷仲裁判斷,依我國仲裁法第43條規定,如經法院撤銷仲裁判斷,當事人得就該爭議事項提起訴訟。當仲裁判斷有書寫或計算等明顯錯誤,作出該有瑕疵之仲裁判斷的仲裁庭可以依當事人之聲請或自行就仲裁判斷為更正。


    Arbitration, as a dispute resolution mechanism, offers parties the advantage of swiftly and effectively resolving disputes between them. Arbitrators, based on the arbitration agreement established by the parties, conduct proceedings and ultimately issue an arbitral award that holds the same enforceability as a final court judgment to resolve disputes and determine the rights and obligations of the parties. Similar to court judgments, arbitral awards are res judicata for the parties involved in the arbitration. However, since arbitration procedures differ from general litigation procedures, including the intensity of review, it is necessary to grant parties the right to seek remedies from state judicial authorities concerning arbitral awards to ensure comprehensive protection of their rights.

    The "Commercial Arbitration Ordinance." was enacted in the Republic of China (ROC) in 1961, amended twice in 1982 and 1986, and then underwent a significant revision in 1998, drawing reference from the 1985 "UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration." This revision was passed in May 1998, renaming it as the "Arbitration Law of Republic of China." Despite several amendments since then, there have been no substantial adjustments. However, with the development of international commercial trade, the provisions of Arbitration Law of Republic of China may no longer align with the trends in international arbitration law, necessitating the consideration of arbitration laws from other countries.

    The Arbitration Law of Republic of China provides only two methods of Post-Award Challenges of Arbitration: "set aside the arbitral award" and "correction of the arbitral award." Article 40 of The Arbitration Law of Republic of China expressly stipulates 11 statutory grounds for filing for annulment of an arbitral award. Parties may petition the competent court for annulment based on defects in the arbitration proceedings, invalidity of the arbitration agreement, and other grounds. According to Article 43 of The Arbitration Law of Republic of China, if the court annuls the arbitral award, the parties may litigate the dispute. When the arbitral award contains obvious errors such as writing or calculation mistakes, the arbitral tribunal that issued the flawed award may correct it upon the parties' request or on its own initiative.

    The Swiss arbitration law’s legal framework distinguishes between international and domestic arbitration, governed respectively by the Swiss Private International Law Act (PILA) and the Swiss Civil Procedure Code (CPC), supplemented by the interpretations of the Swiss Federal Supreme Court. Swiss law offers several methods of remedies for arbitral awards, including " set aside the arbitral award," "correction and supplementation of the arbitral award," and "review of the arbitral award," which could serve as references for amending Arbitration Law of Republic of China. Article 190, Paragraph 2 of the 2023 Swiss Private International Law Act (PILA) and Article 393 of the 2023 Swiss Civil Procedure Code (CPC) respectively stipulate the statutory grounds for annulment of an arbitral award, including defects in the arbitration proceedings, arbitral tribunal exceeding its authority, and violation of Swiss public policy. If the Swiss Federal Supreme Court finds that the parties' petition for annulment is justified, it will annul part or all of the arbitral award according to Article 394 of the 2023 Swiss Civil Procedure Code (CPC) and remand it to the arbitral tribunal for correction or supplementation within a specified period. When the arbitral award contains obvious errors such as writing or calculation mistakes, parties may request the arbitral tribunal to correct the award; if the arbitral tribunal's award fails to address disputes submitted for arbitration, parties may request the arbitral tribunal to supplement the award. If, after the arbitral award is issued, parties discover new facts or evidence related to the arbitration dispute, or if a party is convicted of a serious crime, and such facts would affect the arbitral award, parties may petition the Swiss Federal Supreme Court for a review of the arbitral award. If the Swiss Federal Supreme Court finds the parties' claims justified, it will remand the arbitral award to the original arbitral tribunal for re-examination.

    Given that Switzerland is a preferred arbitration venue for international commercial parties, Swiss arbitration regulations have evolved with the flourishing development of arbitration. Accompanied by the interpretations of the Swiss Federal Supreme Court, amendments to the Swiss Private International Law Act (PILA) and the Swiss Civil Procedure Code (CPC) have provided arbitration parties with greater procedural autonomy. To benefit Republic of China's arbitration system and the development of international arbitration in Taiwan, it is recommended to refer to Swiss arbitration laws regarding remedies for arbitral awards as a reference for revising Arbitration Law of Republic of China.
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    1.瑞士國際聯邦仲裁合約(International Concordat on Arbitration of 1969)
    2.瑞士聯邦民事訴訟法(Swiss Federal Civil Procedure Code)
    3.瑞士國際私法(PRIVATE International Law Act)
    4.瑞士刑法典(Swiss Criminal Code of 21 December 1937,Status as of 3 March 2020)
    5.瑞士聯邦憲法(Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation)
    6.瑞士民法典(Swiss Civil Code)
    7.瑞士規則 (Swiss Rules of International Arbitration,Swiss Rules)
    8.瑞士聯邦法院程序法(Bundesgesetz über das Bundesgericht,BGG)
    1.1985年聯合國國際商務仲裁模範法(UNCITRAL Model Law)
    2.2006年聯合國國際商務仲裁模範法(UNCITRAL Model Law)
    3.聯合國國際貿易法委員會仲裁規則(UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules)
    4.1958年紐約公約(United Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards)
    5.IBA Guidelines on CONFLICTS of Interest in International Arbitration
    6.歐洲人權公約(European Convention on Human Right)
    7.United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
    8.UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration
    9.UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules
    10.ICC Arbitration Rules

    1.我國非1958年聯合國外國判斷的承認與執行公約之會員國,見:https://www.newyorkconvention.org/contracting-states (最後瀏覽日:2024.7.22)
    2.瑞士聯邦法律公開平台(Fedlex The publication platform for federal law)2025年瑞士國際私法(PILA)版本,載於:https://reurl.cc/oRlMaq (最後瀏覽日2024.7.18)
    3.瑞士聯邦法律公開平台(Fedlex The publication platform for federal law)2025年瑞士聯邦民事訴訟法(CPC)版本,載於:https://reurl.cc/ezqK6b (最後瀏覽日2024.7.18)
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109652003
    Data Type: thesis
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