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Title: | 風險社會下的醫療困境與解方-《醫療事故預防及爭議處理法》之研究 The Medical Dilemma and Solutions in the Risk Society: A Study on the Medical Accident Prevention and Dispute Resolution Act |
Authors: | 蕭易知 Shiao, Yi-Chih |
Contributors: | 李聖傑 Lee, Sheng-Chieh 蕭易知 Shiao, Yi-Chih |
Keywords: | 風險社會 過失 醫療行為 醫療爭議 醫療事故預防及爭議處理法 Risk society negligence medical practices medical disputes Medical Accident Prevention and Dispute Resolution Act |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-09-04 14:43:25 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 許多醫療困難隨著科技發展成功克服,然而,爭議發生之風險在社會中仍無所不在,如何於其生成毀敗之間即時、有效因應,挑戰人類智慧。本文嘗試從社會學觀點出發,以德國著名社會學家烏爾里希·貝克(Ulrich Beck)與其論述「風險社會(risk society)」、「第二現代性(second modernity)」、「反思性現代化(reflexive modernization)」討論現代風險之不確定性和不可控性,隨後將焦點置於醫療行為本身,包含醫療行為時之水準、醫療業務主隨與分工性質、醫療行為瑕疵、與後續衍生之醫療爭議。臺灣長年有許多前輩致力於醫療爭議化解的領域,其背後的根本目的與表象預防手段,在在突顯此議題背後耗費的社會成本及社會隱憂。《醫療事故預防及爭議處理法》,匯聚眾人智慧的結晶,從1998年「醫療糾紛處理及補償條例」草案版本,直到2022年立法院針對「醫療事故預防及爭議處理法」三讀通過,這部法案的三大精神「即時關懷」、「調解先行」、「事故預防」,給予臺灣社會在爭議處理的完美框架,期望爭端開始前,透過有效作為來應對可能長年爭訟導致兩敗俱傷之局面。然而,制度訂定也意味著新的風險叢生,向病方於時效內進行說明、溝通與關懷,是否隱含醫療指示性過失;再者,調解先行制度,其美意本是希冀爭端兩造能夠充分溝通,若今欲以制度規定繞過制度設計,則可於提出爭議調解申請至爭議調解程序終結前,依相關運作辦法將調解申請撤回,撤回者,以一事不再理原則,調解會得不受理相關醫療爭議。透過制度理解社會對於醫療爭議處理的盼望,但同時也發現可能的潛在危機。回應前開風險社會的宗旨與核心,現代醫療已不再是尖端科技的代名詞,更反映尖端科技伴隨的高風險性,醫療爭議,僅僅是眾多紛擾中的一小角,但藉此所產生的反思,得以促使我們對於問題本身的理解,並且在將來以更高層次的見解回應。 Many medical challenges have been successfully overcome with the advancement of technology; however, the risk of disputes remains pervasive in society. The challenge lies in how to respond promptly and effectively to these disputes before they escalate, testing human wisdom. This paper attempts to approach the issue from a sociological perspective, drawing on the theories of the renowned German sociologist Ulrich Beck, particularly his discussions on the "risk society," "second modernity," and "reflexive modernization," to explore the uncertainty and uncontrollability of modern risks. The focus then shifts to the medical profession itself, encompassing the standards of medical practice, the nature of medical duties and their division, flaws in medical actions, and the subsequent medical disputes that arise. In Taiwan, many predecessors have long been dedicated to resolving medical disputes. The fundamental causes behind these disputes, as well as the preventive measures, highlight the social costs and concerns associated with this issue. The Medical Accident Prevention and Dispute Resolution Act is the culmination of collective wisdom. From the draft of the "Medical Dispute Handling and Compensation Ordinance" in 1998 to the Legislative Yuan's passage of the "Medical Accident Prevention and Dispute Resolution Act" in 2022, the three main principles of this law—"immediate care," "mediation first," and "accident prevention"—provide a comprehensive framework for dispute resolution. It aims to implement efficient measures to address potentially protracted and mutually damaging litigation before disputes arise. However, the establishment of such a system also introduces new risks. For instance, providing explanations, communication, and care to patients might imply a presumption of medical negligence. Additionally, the mediation-first system, though well-intentioned to ensure adequate communication between disputing parties, could be circumvented through procedural loopholes. Parties could withdraw their mediation applications before the conclusion of the mediation process, and according to the principle of res judicata, the mediation committee may then refuse to accept related medical disputes. Understanding this system helps to grasp society's expectations regarding the resolution of medical disputes, while also revealing potential underlying risks. Responding to the principles and core of the risk society, modern healthcare is no longer synonymous with cutting-edge technology; rather, it reflects the high-risk nature that accompanies such technology. Medical disputes are just a small part of the broader turmoil, but the reflections they generate can deepen our understanding of the issues and lead to more profound insights in addressing them in the future. |
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