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    Title: 銀行法第125條「因犯罪獲取之財物或財產上利益」計算之爭議
    Dispute on the calculation method of ";Property or property interests obtained as a result of crime";from the Article 125 of the Banking Act
    Authors: 周佑達
    Chou, Yu-Ta
    Contributors: 楊雲驊
    Yang, Yun-Hua
    Chou, Yu-Ta
    Keywords: 犯罪所得
    illegal proceeds
    Property or property interests obtained as a result of crime
    Banking Act
    Illegal Fundraising
    Non-Financial Institution Dealing with Exchange
    Securities and Exchange Act
    Insider Trading Crimes
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 14:40:31 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 民國93年銀行法修法增訂第125條第1項後段:「違反第29條第1項規定者……其犯罪所得達新臺幣1億元以上者,處7年以上有期徒刑,得併科新臺幣2500萬元以上5億元以下罰金。」期盼以重刑來抑制詐騙吸金的犯罪,而後民國107年修法將「犯罪所得」修改為「因犯罪獲取之財物或財產上利益」。實務上一直以來針對銀行法第29條「非法收受存款罪」的「因犯罪獲取之財物或財產上利益」之計算採總額法,也就是不扣除任何成本費用,但此定義似乎與會計原則與財經法理上的「所得」、「利益」定義有別,不無疑義。
    In 2004, the Banking Act was revised and added the following paragraph of Article 125: "Those who violate the provisions of Article 29... and whose illegal proceeds amount to more than NT$100 million shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 7 years, and may be concurrently sentenced to A fine of not less than NT$25 million but not more than NT$500 million was expected. It was hoped that severe penalties would be used to curb the crime of defrauding money. Later, in 2018 , the law was revised to change " illegal proceeds " to " Property or property interests obtained as a result of crime." In practice, the calculation of " Property or property interests obtained as a result of crime " in Article 29 of the Banking Act, "the crime of Illegal Fundraising ", has always been based on the gross method, that is, no costs and expenses are deducted. However, this definition seems to be inconsistent with accounting principles.
    However, compared with the "crime of Illegal Fundraising ", which is serious and has a serious impact on society and the financial order, and the "crime of Non-Financial Institution Dealing with Exchange ", which is also the crime in Article 29 of the Banking Act, " Property or property interests obtained as a result of crime " There is no doubt that the calculation method is consistent. In addition, the legislative reason for "property or property interests obtained as a result of crime" in Article 171, of the Securities and Exchange Act uses a differential calculation, which is different from the calculation method of the Banking Act, resulting in "property or property interests obtained as a result of crime" The calculation method has become a very important issue, and many different opinions have arisen. The calculation method of the crime of Illegal Fundraising, the crime of Non-Financial Institution Dealing with Exchange under the Banking Act, and the crime of insider trading under the Securities and Exchange Act is the focus of the debate.
    However, because the calculation of " property or property interests obtained as a result of crime " is not only related to the principles and principles of criminal law, but also involves the principles and principles of financial law, it is more complicated. After all, "profits of 100 million will increase the criminal liability" What is the legislative source of "Article"? What is its legal nature? What is the definition? How to calculate it reasonably? Are the calculation methods for the crime of Illegal Fundraising and Non-Financial Institution Dealing with Exchange in the Banking Act and the crime of insider trading in the Securities and Exchange Act consistent? What suggestions should be made if there is any inconsistency? All are issues worthy of discussion.
    In view of the above, the research methods of this article are through legal analysis and law revision process analysis, inductive deduction and comparative legal research methods through document content collection. The main purpose is to clarify the "provision of aggravating one's criminal liability for proceeds exceeding 100 million " after the amendment of the law. The definition of "property or property interests obtained as a result of crime" in the "Profits" legal article is tried to clarify the calculation method of "property or property interests obtained as a result of crime". We hope that through the analysis and comparison of this article, we can put forward specific suggestions.
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    2. 18 U.S. Code § 3553 (12.Oct,1984) ,Retrieved Mar. 6 2024, from: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/3553
    3. U.S.Sentencing Commission Guidelines Manual 2023 (1.Nov,2023) ,Retrieved Mar. 6 2024, from: https://www.ussc.gov/guidelines/2023-guidelines-manual-annotated
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