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    政大機構典藏 > 法學院 > 法律學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/153272
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    Title: 論股東會召集權之研究 —以獨立董事及審計委員會為中心
    A Study on the Right to Convene Shareholders' Meetings: Focus on Independent Directors and Audit Committees
    Authors: 張瀞文
    Chang, Ching-Wen
    Contributors: 朱德芳
    Chang, Ching-Wen
    Keywords: 獨立董事
    Independent Directors ,
    Audit committee
    The right to convene the shareholders' meeting
    Article 220 of the Companies Act
    Preliminary Injunction
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 14:32:01 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 獨立董事作為立法者取代監察人監督機關之制度,其資格、權限等條件應於引進之初即詳加考量,否則將與我國雙軌制之公司架構產生衝突,近期頻傳之獨立董事藉由股東會召集權進行經營權爭奪即屬於未經通盤思考就引進之結果。因此,重新思考獨立董事定位及權限劃分即具有重要性,否則即使修法對於獨立董事特定權限予以限制,仍無法根本性解決獨立董事權責重疊之問題。至於股東會對於公司之意義為何,為何需要召集股東會,亦為本文所欲探討之議題,此後再論述審計委員會等股東會召集權人,行使該權利之要件為何。
    The introduction of the independent director as a replacement for the supervisory board requires careful consideration of qualifications, powers, and other conditions; otherwise, it may conflict with the Two-Tier corporate structure in our country. The recent frequent occurrences of independent directors using their shareholder meeting convening power to engage in power struggles is a result of introducing this system without thorough deliberation. Therefore, it is crucial to rethink the positioning and allocation of powers of independent directors. Without such reconsideration, even if the law is amended to restrict certain powers of independent directors, the fundamental issue of overlapping responsibilities and powers will remain unresolved. The Thesis also aims to explore the significance of shareholder meetings for the company and the reasons for convening meetings, and discussing the requirements for convening such meetings by the audit committee and other authorized parties.
    The Thesis analyzes cases of independent directors convening shareholder meetings in our country and examines the systems under U.S. law regarding independent directors and the convening of shareholder meetings. It reviews the qualifications required under U.S. law for individuals to request the convening of shareholder meetings and examines past cases of such meetings. Additionally, it discusses what constitutes convening a shareholder meeting for the benefit of the company and seeks to minimize the misuse of this power by the audit committee for power struggles. Finally, it explores the possibility of relaxing the conditions for other parties to convene shareholder meetings, considers measures to reduce the occurrence of multiple shareholder meetings, and acknowledges the positive impact of temporary status determinations by commercial courts on business affairs.
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