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    Title: 一所公立小學轉型為實驗教育學校之研究:行動體網絡觀點
    A Study on The Transformation of A Public Primary School into An Experimental Education School : An Actor-Network Theory Perspective
    Authors: 甘世旻
    Gan, Shih-Min
    Contributors: 鄭同僚
    Cheng, Tung-Liao
    Gan, Shih-Min
    Keywords: 實驗教育
    行動體網絡理論(Actor-network Theory, ANT)
    experimental education
    Jena plane education
    ANT(Actor-network Theory)
    school transformation
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 14:20:21 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 2014年一股新興力量透過我國公布之實驗三法脫穎而出成為公立學校轉型為實驗教育學校之創新能量,近十年,台灣已有百餘間公立學校轉型為實驗教育學校。一所學校的轉型行動通常是為了順應或回應環境的變遷與需求所做出的改變,在台灣少子化浪潮下,鄉村小校透過轉型解決裁併校危機的同時,也實現了當今社會對教育的不同想像。一個涉及層面廣泛且無法化約在校內組織封閉系統的學校轉型歷程,從意識轉型到正式提出計畫至實踐活動,是一連串包含時間與空間構面的過程;究竟公立學校在申請轉型計畫通過後,其教育現場所面臨的實際操作為何才是值得深思與探究之處。
    本研究採用行動體網絡理論(Actor-network Theory, ANT)的動態與歷程觀點,以一所轉型為特定教育理念的公立鄉村小校為田野對象,藉由人與非人行動體間的互動來詮釋組織內各層級網絡關係的發展。本研究貢獻有兩個部分,第一個部分是ANT理論對實驗教育學校的轉型啟示,建議以轉譯方式來探討學校組織的轉型歷程並透過質性連結關係來討論其策略實踐效果。第二部分是再次理解Callon轉譯架構中出現不同關津要道(obligatory passage point, OPP)是促成網絡演變的關鍵、時間與空間在轉譯過程中所扮演的角色以及對異議(dissidence)的不同解讀。
    In 2014, a new force emerged in Taiwan's education with the promulgation of the “Three Types of The Enforcement Act for Experimental Education”, empowering innovative energy for public schools to transform into experimental schools. In the past decades, over 100 public schools in Taiwan have adopted this new approach. A school's transformation is typically driven by the need to adapt or respond the demand and environments changes. As Taiwan's declining birth rate, rural elementary schools have not only used transformation to turn this challenge in to an opportunity but have also realized different educational versions. School transformation is a multifaceted process that cannot be reduced within a colsed system. After their transformation applications are approved, from the awareness of transformation to the formal proposal of plans, it is a series of processes that involve time and space dimensions and the implementation of activities. The journey start after application is approved. The true test lies in how schools navigate and implementing their new educational approaches.Research on school transformation has received strong public focus and has produced many conclusions. However, previous research on school transformation, whether from the perspective of process changes or strategy types, has mostly started from a human perspective, ignoring the influence of multi materials.
    This study adopts the dynamic and process perspective of Actor-Network Theory (ANT), takes a public rural primary school that has been transformed into a specific educational concept as the field object, and uses the interaction between human and non-human actors to interpret the development of network relationships at all levels of an organization. The contribution of this study has two parts. The first part is the inspiration for the transformation of experimental education schools through ANT theory. It is recommended to use translation to explore the transformation process of school organizations and to use heterogeneous connection relationships to discuss its strategic practical effects. The second part is to once again understand the possible emergence of different obligatory passage point (OPP) in Callon's translation structure that contribute to network evolution, the role of time and space in the translation process, and the different interpretations of dissidence.
    There are three practical suggestions put forward by this study. The first is to use Callon's perspective to analyze school transformation, but attention must be paid to time and space factors and possible objections in the network; the second is that school operators must understand the historical context of the school to define clear key issues. Third, education authorities should include the concept of actor network theory in principal training and provide a transformation manual for reference.
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