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    Title: 大學自主辦理系所品質保證指標建構之研究- 以某國立大學為例
    A Study on the Construction of Quality Assurance Indicators for the University Program Self-Accreditation- A Case Study for a National University
    Authors: 趙淑梅
    Chao, Shu-Mei
    Contributors: 湯志民
    Tang, Chih-Min
    Chao, Shu-Mei
    Keywords: 高等教育品質保證
    Quality Assurance in Higher Education
    Internal Quality Assurance
    Quality Assurance for University Program Self-Accreditation
    Quality Assurance Indicators for the University Program
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 14:19:58 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在建構案例大學自主辦理系所品質保證指標及權重體系,首先以案例大學自辦系所品保指標為基礎,依據文獻探討之結果初擬出大學自主辦理系所品質保證指標,其次,邀請7位學者專家進行指標的適切性評估。透過模糊德懷術整合14位專家的意見,最終建構了適用案例大學自主辦理系所品質保證指標及其權重,發展一套適切性之評鑑工具。
    This study aims to construct a quality assurance indicator and weighting system for university program self-accreditation. Initially, existing quality assurance indicators for program self-accreditation at the specific university were utilized alongside findings from literature discussions to develop quality assurance indicators for program self-accreditation at the university. Subsequently, seven scholars and experts were invited to evaluate the appropriateness of the indicators. The opinions of 14 experts were then synthesized using the fuzzy Delphi method to establish the quality assurance indicators and their respective weights for the program self-accreditation of the relevant university. Furthermore, a set of suitable evaluation tools was devised.
    This study addresses three research questions: (1) Which indicators are relevant for quality assurance in higher education program self-accreditation? (2) What are the weights assigned to quality assurance indicators in higher education program self-accreditation? (3) What are the directions for enhancing quality assurance in higher education in the future?
    The conclusions of the study are as follows:
    1. The quality assurance indicators for university program self-accreditation comprise five primary dimensions, 17 sub-dimensions, and 33 indicators. These dimensions include "Institution Governance," " Faculty Development," " Student Learning," " Internationalization," and " Social Impact."
    2. The primary dimension of the quality assurance indicators for university program self-accreditation is "Student Learning." followed by " Institution Governance," "Faculty Development," "Internationalization," and "Social Impact."
    3. The sub-dimensions of quality assurance for university program self-accreditation highlight "Curriculum Planning" as the most crucial, "Learning Outcomes" as the second most important, and "Learning Progress" as the third most important.
    4. The indicators for quality assurance of university program self-accreditation are prioritized as follows: "The development of the department meets the needs of society and contemporary fields" is the most crucial indicator, followed by "The department has a clear and reasonable curriculum planning and evaluation mechanism," and "The department provides sufficient and accessible learning resources and student support."
    These research findings offer specific recommendations that can serve as a guide for the practical advancement and scholarly investigation of quality assurance in university program self-accreditation in the future.
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