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    Title: 金融業公民開發策略分析—以摩根大通為例
    Analysis of Citizen Development Strategies in the Financial Industry: A Case Study of JPMorgan Chase & Co.
    Authors: 莊明萱
    Chuang, Ming-Hsuan
    Contributors: 黃國峯

    Huang, Kuo-Feng
    Lin, Ku-Ho

    Chuang, Ming-Hsuan
    Keywords: 公民開發
    Citizen Development
    Low-code Development Platforms
    Financial Industry
    Digital Transformation
    JPMorgan Chase & Co.
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 14:09:47 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 公民開發(Citizen Development)是一種新興的軟體開發模式,鼓勵非資訊部門的員工,即「公民開發者」,利用低程式碼開發平台參與應用程式的開發。這種模式不僅能緩解科技人才短缺的壓力,還能提高開發效率、降低開發成本,並提升員工參與度。
    個案研究則聚焦於摩根大通集團(JPMorgan Chase & Co.),這家全球金融巨頭成功推行公民開發的經驗。透過策略形態分析法分析其策略制定、執行與成效,歸納出成功關鍵,包括明確的策略目標、完善的組織架構、積極的員工賦能與培訓,以及與外部技術夥伴的緊密合作。
    Citizen Development is an emerging software development model that encourages employees outside of the Information Technology department to participate in application development using low-code platforms. This model not only alleviates the pressure of the shortage of technology professionals, but also improves development efficiency, reduces costs, and enhances employee engagement.
    This study aims to explore the key success factors of citizen development in the financial indu stry, using the U.S. financial industry as an example to analyze the internal and external factors behind its success. The research first reviews the definition, development background, technical tools, application areas, and information security issues of citizen development through literature review, and sorts out relevant theoretical models. Porter's Diamond Model is used to analyze the competitive advantages and challenges of the financial industries in the U.S. and Taiwan for citizen development.
    The case study focuses on JPMorgan Chase & Co., a global financial giant that has successfully implemented citizen development. By analyzing its strategy formulation, implementation, and effectiveness, the key success factors are summarized, including clear strategic goals, a sound organizational structure, active employee empowerment, and close cooperation with external technology partners.
    The research results show that the success of JPMorgan Chase & Co. is not only due to the advantages of the U.S. financial industry, but more importantly, they integrate citizen development into the corporate culture through sound planning and implementation, stimulating employees' innovative potential and achieving optimization and efficiency improvement of business processes.
    Finally, this study proposes recommendations for the implementation of citizen development in Taiwan's financial industry, including deregulation, talent cultivation, technology introduction, and the establishment of partnerships. It also emphasizes that citizen development is not simply the introduction of technology, but a comprehensive change that requires joint efforts from the top-down of the enterprise to achieve the goal of digital transformation.
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