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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 資訊管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/153151
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    Title: 基於多模態融合的長序列表示嵌入框架
    An Embedding Framework on Long Sequence Representation with Multimodal Fusion
    Authors: 夏秋如
    Shia, Chiu-Ju
    Contributors: 蕭舜文
    Hsiao, Shun-Wen
    Shia, Chiu-Ju
    Keywords: 長序列表示
    多模態 融合
    Long Sequence Representation
    Graph Neural Networks
    Dot-matrix Method
    Attention Mechanism
    Multimodal Fusion
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 14:03:55 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 分析惡意軟體的API呼叫序列是一項重大挑戰,因為這些序列很長、屬於文字、事件型態且包含隱藏訊息,所以使得人在分析上變得困難。此外,與自然語言不同,這些API呼叫序列往往表現出程式相關的特性和結構,如循環和重複呼叫。因此,本研究重點分析這些序列中的結構,旨在解決它們在理解惡意軟體行為方面所呈現的複雜性。本研究提出了一種嵌入框架,旨在利用惡意軟體API呼叫序列的結構進行表徵學習,並點出序列中重要的API呼叫。我們使用了兩種不同提取結構資訊的方法,包括馬爾可夫模型和點矩陣法。為了幫助學習這些擁有複雜程式邏輯結構的長序列,我們的研究使用了圖神經網絡和視覺變換器,將圖結構和點矩陣結構轉換成高維向量。此外,我們利用基於注意力機制的多模態融合技術,將多模態資料融合成單一的表示向量,並顯示出序列中API呼叫的重要性。通過這些方法的整合,我們的框架不僅指出了惡意軟體家族中特定API呼叫的重要性,還提出了基於多模態融合技術的創新應用。
    Analyzing malware through its API call sequences presents a significant challenge because it is long, text-based, event-based, and has hidden information, which may be difficult for manual examination. Moreover, unlike natural language, these call sequences often exhibit programming-related properties and structures such as loops and repeated calls. Consequently, this paper focuses on the analysis of such structures within call sequences, aiming to untangle the complexities they present in understanding malware behaviors. In this paper, we propose an embedding framework designed to learn the structure of malware call sequences in multiple ways for representation learning and to pinpoint the important calls in the sequence. Our method introduces two different approaches for structural information extraction including the Markov model and the dot matrix method. To navigate the complexities of variable-length sequences imbued with intricate programming logic, our study leverages Graph Neural Networks (GNN) and Vision Transformer Networks to distill both graph and dot matrix structures into high dimensional vectors. Furthermore, we employ multimodal fusion techniques based on the attention mechanism to fuse multimodal data into a cohesive representation that highlights the importance of the API call within the sequences. Through the integration of these advanced methods, our framework not only indicates the significance of specific calls within the malware family but also introduces the innovative application of multimodal fusion networks.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0111356021
    Data Type: thesis
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