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Title: | 大學生的社會責任實踐:以政大指南服務團為例 Social Responsibility Practice of College Students: Case Study of Chi-Nan Youth Club NCCU |
Authors: | 郭玉清 Kuo, Yu-Ching |
Contributors: | 彭立忠 Peng,Li-Chung 郭玉清 Kuo,Yu-Ching |
Keywords: | 社會責任 志願服務 地方創生 Social responsibility Volunteerism Local regeneration |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-09-04 13:45:10 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來社會責任的概念逐漸興起並流行,大眾紛紛關心起企業社會 責任的實現,而社會責任一詞的範圍也逐漸從企業拓展至個人,除了企業 社會責任,亦衍生至大學社會責任,本文想要探討大學生實踐社會責任的 狀況,並以政大指南服務團為例,採用半結構式訪談法訪談其中主要的帶 隊老師王正偉老師、隊長隊員等幹部及政大課外活動組老師,並以具代表 性的和平分隊及德芙蘭分隊為對象,筆者實地觀察隨團出隊參與服務過程, 研究發現無償付出的志願服務可節省社會成本,確實有助於實現大學生的 社會責任,也期待拋磚引玉,讓志願服務繼續蓬勃發展。 Since the rise and development of social responsibility, the public has been concerned about the realization of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Eventually, the scope of the term social responsibility has expanded from enterprises to individuals. In addition to CSR, university social responsibility has also been developed. This article wants to explore the status of college students' practice of social responsibility, and takes the NCCU Chi-Nan Youth Club as a study case. It uses a semi-structured interview method to interview the main club leading teacher, Mr. Cheng-wei Wang, club leaders and other members, as well as officer from this extracurricular activity club. We also took the representative Peace Club and De Fu Lan Club as cases, and went out with the club members to participate in the service process. The research found that free volunteer services save social costs and indeed help realize the social responsibilities of college students. We also look forward to inspiring others so that volunteering will continue to thrive. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國家發展研究所 106261011 |
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