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    Title: 包容性學校指標建構之研究
    A Study of Construction of Inclusive School Indicators
    Authors: 蔡述恩
    Tsai, Shu-En
    Contributors: 郭昭佑
    Guo, Chao-Yu
    Tsai, Shu-En
    Keywords: 包容性學校
    Inclusive School
    Fuzzy delphi method
    Concept mapping
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 13:43:46 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究之目的主要在建構包容性學校指標,提供包容性學校發展之參考。首先,在文獻探討部分,歸納國外相關研究及文獻,初擬包容性學校指標。研究方法部分,經由文獻探討初擬之包容性學校指標,透過邀請若干位教育領域專家學者及具經驗之國民小學教職人員,進行專家適切性評估分析,以確立包容性學校指標,後續實施模糊德懷術及概念構圖問卷分析,將所確定的指標進行重要性程度分析及進行分類,並得出上位概念之指標構面及向度,以利建構包容性學校指標系統,依據研究結果與分析,歸納結論與建議如下:
    The primary purpose of this study is to develop indicators for inclusive schools, providing a reference for the development of inclusive schools. First, in the literature review section, relevant studies and literature from abroad were summarized to draft preliminary indicators for inclusive schools. In the research methodology section, the preliminary indicators derived from the literature review were evaluated for appropriateness by inviting several experts and scholars in the field of education as well as experienced elementary school staff. This process aimed to establish the indicators for inclusive schools. Subsequently, the Fuzzy Delphi Method and concept mapping questionnaire analyses were implemented to analyze the importance of the confirmed indicators and to classify them. This helped derive the higher-level conceptual indicators and dimensions, facilitating the construction of an inclusive school indicator system. Based on the research results and analysis, the conclusions and recommendations are summarized as follows:
    Section One:The Conclusions
    1.The inclusive school indicator system developed in this study comprises three dimensions, ten aspects, and 31 indicators. The dimensions are:I. Positive Participation and Shared Prosperity;II.Respect for Diversity and Collaboration;III.Environmentally Friendly and Supportive. The aspects are: "Participatory Leadership" with 4 indicators;"Positive Atmosphere" with 3 indicators;"Community Prosperity" with 3 indicators;"Understanding and Respect" with 3 indicators;"Mutual Aid and Collaboration" with 3 indicators;"Inclusion of Diversity" with 3 indicators;"Providing Shelter" with 3 indicators;"Friendly Spaces" with 3 indicators;"Non-Discriminatory Campus" with 3 indicators;"Building Successful Experiences" with 3 indicators.
    2."Environmentally Friendly and Supportive" is the most important dimension of the inclusive school indicators.
    3."Non-Discriminatory Campus" is the most important aspect of the inclusive school indicators.
    4.The indicators "The school does not neglect the special needs of members and students with physical and mental disabilities" and "No one discriminates against disadvantaged school members" are considered the most important inclusive school indicators.
    5.Different stakeholders have varying rankings of the importance of individual inclusive school indicators.
    6.Different stakeholders also have varying levels of agreement on the importance of the inclusive school indicators.
    Section Two:Recommendations
    I.Recommendations for Education Practice and School Development:
    1.Schools should create a friendly organizational environment and provide strong support for all school members.
    2.School members should not only treat each other equally but also assist and consider the needs of disadvantaged groups within the school, accepting them as integral parts of the school community.
    II.Recommendations for Future Research:
    1.The inclusive school indicators should be continuously updated.
    2.The construction of inclusive school indicators should consider suggestions from a broader range of perspectives.
    3.Other research methods should be used to validate the inclusive school indicators.
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