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Title: | 機關實施矩陣式組織之行動研究─以2021洄瀾客家桐花祭活動小組為例 Action Research on the Implementation of Matrix Organizational Structure in Government Agencies—A Case Study of the 2021 Hualien Hakka Tung Blossom Festival Task Force |
Authors: | 余韋霖 Yu, Wei-Lin |
Contributors: | 黃東益 Huang,Tung-Yi 余韋霖 Yu, Wei-Lin |
Keywords: | 矩陣式組織 機關本位主義 組織溝通 組織衝突 Matrix Organization Departmentalism Organizational Communication Organizational Conflict |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-09-04 13:42:33 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 行政機關內各單位常因缺乏資源共享或溝通協調的管道,而有本位主義的情形,爰此,本研究透過行動研究方法,探討機關若實施矩陣式組織,是否有助於促進單位間的溝通,並減少衝突。本研究以花蓮市公所2021年所辦理之客家桐花祭活動小組為例,並透過參與觀察及半結構式訪談,了解機關實施矩陣式組織之運作歷程。 經研究發現,跨部門組織可產生增進活動豐富度的影響,並具有可因應臨時性狀況等助益,而對矩陣式組織成員而言,可增加與其他課室成員的互動,對於未來合作建立基礎。惟在矩陣式組織的實施過程中仍有直屬長官、外單位長官意見介入等問題,對組織間溝通產生部分阻礙與衝突事件,經參與觀察發現,矩陣式組織成員皆能清楚組織的工作項目及目標,並提供過往經驗化解緊急事件,亦因合作產生更強的向心力,而願意在未來再次加入。 本次所研究之組織屬弱矩陣式組織,具承辦經理人權限較少、仍須聽命於單位主管等特性,而有溝通與決策上較為緩慢之問題,總體而言,弱矩陣式組織仍得以跨越部門間正式溝通的繁瑣,且因為有具體清楚的組織目標,因此得以在參與資源、動機與成本的優勢下,成功運作並完成任務。 最後針對本次行動提出結論,包含矩陣式組織成員的溝通合作與衝突情形、弱矩陣式組織的指揮權責以及矩陣式組織對於本位主義的消弭,並針對機關執行矩陣式組織以及行政機關組織設計提出建議,期能為我國行政組織的彈性規劃提供不一樣的設計運作模式。 Within government agencies, individual units often exhibit departmentalism due to a lack of resource sharing or communication and coordination channels. Therefore, this study employs action research to explore whether the implementation of a matrix organization within agencies can help promote communication between units and reduce conflicts. This study uses the example of the Hakka Tung Blossom Festival task force organized by the Hualien City Office in 2021, utilizing participant observation and semi-structured interviews to understand the operational process of implementing a matrix organization within the agency. The research findings indicate that cross-departmental organizations can enhance the richness of activities and provide benefits such as the ability to respond to temporary situations. For members of the matrix organization, it increases interaction with members of other departments, laying a foundation for future cooperation. However, during the implementation of the matrix organization, issues such as interference from direct superiors and opinions from external unit leaders arise, creating some communication barriers and conflicts. Observations revealed that members of the matrix organization clearly understood the tasks and goals of the organization, provided past experiences to resolve emergencies, and developed a stronger sense of unity through cooperation, making them willing to participate again in the future. The organization studied here is a weak matrix organization, characterized by limited authority of project managers, who still need to follow the directives of their department heads, leading to slower communication and decision-making processes. Overall, a weak matrix organization can still overcome the cumbersome nature of formal inter-departmental communication. Due to having clear organizational goals, it can successfully operate and complete tasks by leveraging the advantages of resource participation, motivation, and cost. Finally, conclusions are drawn from this action research, including the communication, cooperation, and conflict situations among matrix organization members, the command authority of weak matrix organizations, and the mitigation of parochialism by matrix organizations. Recommendations are also made for the implementation of matrix organizations and the organizational design of administrative agencies, with the hope of providing a different design and operational model for the flexible planning of administrative organizations in Taiwan. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 公共行政學系 110256012 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110256012 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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